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  1. exgeirhsh - nysteri
  2. nosokomio-egxeirhsh
  3. I don't know if some1 already posted this, but anyway. I tried hlapex on a server l2ia (c3 off) and if i turned on hlapex, i coudn't login. So i logged, in i pressed "Agree", and on server select i turned hlapex on. U must w8 5 secs before entering the server, so that hlapex will "inject". Then, you enter the server and you can use hlapex. I think the file that looks if you have hlapex turned on, is a specific file in GameGuard folder, but it looks only on login That's from me, if it works on other servers, post results.
  4. No, i meant like "OMG OK I MADE A MISTAKE DONT KILL ME,I'M HUMAN" A, BTW, should i make this topic only viewable by reply, or something, or it's not worth it?
  5. Ok, first thing this is a spam topic, try search. ) But... i think i remember a link. was it: http://w... w... AAA I CANT REMEMBER FORGET IT :D:D:D:D:D::D:D
  6. Kri8araki - peina (entaksei to paradexomai pe8enw ths peinas)
  7. Anyway, i just finished translating it in English. And, yes, i know it is not an exploit, but... ok sorry, i made a mistake. Don't ban me for this.
  8. Yes, i know. But the topic was initially started in the greek exploit section and it got moved. I'll translate it when it will be possible. AS for the previous guide, i searched with quick search, and found nothing.
  9. An 8elete na paiksete Lineage II, Official FTW. An 8elete na diaskedasete na paiksete l2ia xa0xa0x0a0x0a (c3 ine alla exei endiaferonta antoikimena) An den kaneis donate omws...
  10. Den xreiazetai na "fountarei to mouse" :D Aplws na ksanaegkatasthsei toys drivers toy pontikioy (an yparxoyn) ama einai asyrmato , na kanei to mouse switch off kai meta pali switch on, kai na pathsei to koympaki sto dekth kai meta to koympaki sto pontiki. (Paizei kai na exei xamhlh mpataria)
  11. That's way too compressed, lol! (took it from a friend) ;D
  12. Oyps, siggnomi. La8os forum :p. A, kai eipes oti yparxei kai allo idio. Ekana search gia "color enchant" kai "xrwma enchant" sto quick search kai dn moy vrike tpt. Den egrapsa aplws "enchant" logw ton (ypervolika pollwn) request gia Enchant Bug. a, nai , 8a i8ela kai egw na ypen8imisw !#~ DEN YPARXEI ENCHANT BUG ~#! Kai osoi nomizate oti vrikate kai postarete oti iparxei "80% pi8anothta" kai "mono sta a grade" h "mono sta fist sa" aplws dn vrikate tpt. ;D
  13. se merikoys l2j server yphrxe tetoio bug nomizw
  14. Syggnwmh gia to double post, aplws moy irthe mia idea. Opoios efarmozei to kolpo an 8elei na stelnei kai ena screen na mas deiksei thn "dhmioyrgia" toy.
  15. -------English Version---------------------------------------------------------------- How to change the enchant glow of an enchanted weapon There are 2 possible situations: 1) You play on a low rate server and you 're bored just watching at your glow-less weapon, cuz you can't afford to enchant it. 2) You play on high rate server and you 're sick tired seeing everyone with a blue or a red weapon. SO, why don't you change the glow color of your enchanted weapon, inasmuch as nobody dissaproves it (Do not tell me that you are thinking of NcSoft) The only thing you need is L2 (oooooh!), a pc (cool!) and a program called L2 FileEdit (WTF?) that you can download HERE: http://www.divshare.com/download/1400562-80d After you download the program, you run it. (incredible, isn't it?) Open menu "Chronicle" and choose the crhonicle of your client. For c4 and below, at least for our work, select c5 (if you have an older version of the program, the better) The open the system folder of your L2 directory, and make a backup of the file -- env.int -- After that, open the original one: You will see something like that in the start : L i n e a g e 2 V e r 1 1 1 Beware of the number, it differs from chronicle to chronicle. It is the encrypting algorythm of the file Now you go to L2 FileEdit and select "Open and Decrypt" Find env.int and open it. Search these lines in the file : (they may differ from server to server) Enchant0=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant1=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant2=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant3=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant4=(R1=30,G1=30,B1=40,R2=20,G2=20,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant5=(R1=35,G1=45,B1=60,R2=25,G2=35,B2=50,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant6=(R1=35,G1=65,B1=90,R2=25,G2=55,B2=75,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant7=(R1=40,G1=87,B1=126,R2=30,G2=70,B2=110,Opacity=0.4,Num=0.3) Enchant8=(R1=30,G1=80,B1=135,R2=20,G2=60,B2=120,Opacity=0.5,Num=0.6) Enchant9=(R1=20,G1=70,B1=145,R2=10,G2=50,B2=130,Opacity=0.6,Num=0.7) Enchant10=(R1=10,G1=60,B1=160,R2=0,G2=45,B2=140,Opacity=0.7,Num=0.8) Enchant11=(R1=0,G1=50,B1=180,R2=0,G2=44,B2=155,Opacity=0.8,Num=0.9) Enchant12=(R1=0,G1=40,B1=200,R2=0,G2=43,B2=170,Opacity=0.9,Num=1) Enchant13=(R1=0,G1=30,B1=220,R2=0,G2=42,B2=185,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant14=(R1=0,G1=30,B1=240,R2=0,G2=41,B2=200,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant15=(R1=0,G1=30,B1=255,R2=0,G2=128,B2=215,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant16=(R1=160,G1=20,B1=20,R2=130,G2=10,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant17=(R1=180,G1=10,B1=10,R2=140,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant18=(R1=200,G1=0,B1=0,R2=180,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant19=(R1=210,G1=0,B1=0,R2=188,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant20=(R1=220,G1=0,B1=0,R2=195,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant25=(R1=255,G1=0,B1=0,R2=255,G2=128,B2=128,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant26=(R1=0,G1=255,B1=255,R2=0,G2=64,B2=128,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant27=(R1=112,G1=0,B1=112,R2=255,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant28=(R1=0,G1=0,B1=255,R2=112,G2=0,B2=112,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant29=(R1=0,G1=192,B1=0,R2=0,G2=0,B2=192,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant30=(R1=255,G1=255,B1=224,R2=255,G2=255,B2=96,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant31=(R1=0,G1=128,B1=0,R2=0,G2=64,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant32=(R1=112,G1=0,B1=112,R2=255,G2=128,B2=255,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant33=(R1=255,G1=0,B1=255,R2=255,G2=215,B2=255,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant34=(R1=0,G1=192,B1=0,R2=0,G2=0,B2=192,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant35=(R1=112,G1=0,B1=112,R2=255,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant36=(R1=0,G1=0,B1=255,R2=112,G2=0,B2=112,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant40=(R1=255,G1=128,B1=0,R2=255,G2=208,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant=(R1=224,G1=0,B1=0,R2=192,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant=(R1=220,G1=0,B1=0,R2=195,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Pay attention. The number next to "Enchant" (Enchant1, Enchant2) is the enchant level of the weapon, e.g Enchant15 refers to +15 weapons. The values R1,R2 B1,B2 kai G1,G2 refer at the RGB system (red, green, blue) As you can see, the weapon can take two enchant glow colors , where the 1st is determined by R1, B1, G1 and the 2nd from R2, B2, G2 The weapon will be continously switching between those two enchant glow colors. The valuues opacity and number refer to the intensity of the glow. You'll find useful this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colors DON'T EDIT THE TWO LAST LINES, UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING(Enchant values without the number) After you finish editing the file, return to L2 FileEdit and select "Save and Encrypt" . Replace the old file with the new file (After you BACKED IT UP FOR SAFETY REASONS) You will be asked about what algorythm must be used to encrypt the file. Choose the one that was at the start of the decrypted one. (L i n e a g e 2 V e r 1 1 1 remember?) Enter L2, and see your weapon glowing in all its (custom) greatness! IMPORTANT NOTE: Alll weapons with the same enchant level as yours will be of the same color. And ONLY YOU can see them in their custom color. ------------------------Greeklish Version------------------------------------- Pos na allazete to xrwma twn oplwn kata protimhsh otan kanete enchant Oi periptoseis einai 2: 1) Paizete se enan low rate server kai exete varethei na vlepete to axaro oplo sas xwris na lampokopaei kai dn exete xrhma gia enchant 2) Paizete se enan high rate kai exete vare8ei thn monotonia toy mple kai toy kokkinou sta opla E, loipon. Gt na min allaksete to xrwma twn oplwn sas, afoy dn to apagorevei kaneis? (den pistevw na pige to myalo sas sthn ncSoftl e;) To mono poy xreiazeste einai to L2 (oooooo!) ena pc (koryfh!) kai ena programmataki onomati L2 FileEdit (WTF?) poy mporeite na promei8efteite edw: http://www.divshare.com/download/1400562-80d Loipon, afoy katevasete to programma, to trexete. (apistefto, e?) Anoikste to menu "Chronicle" kai dialekste to chronicle to opoio exete. GIa c4 kai katw, toylaxiston gia th doyleia mas, epilekste c5 (ama exete palioterh ekdosh akoma kalytera) Meta pate ston fakelo system toy directory toy l2, kai parte ena backup toy arxeioy -- env.int -- (zipparete to) Meta anoikste to prwtotypo: tha grafei kati tetoio stin arxh : L i n e a g e 2 V e r 1 1 1 Prosekste kala ton ari8mo, diaferei apo Chronicle se Chronicle. Einai o algori8mos kwdikopoihshs toy arxeioy. Tora pigenete pali sto l2 file edit kai epilekste "Open and Decrypt" Vreite to env.int kai anoikste to. Psakste sto arxeio mexri na vreite aftes tis grammes : (mporei na diaferoyn apo server se server) Enchant0=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant1=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant2=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant3=(R1=0,G1=10,B1=20,R2=0,G2=0,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant4=(R1=30,G1=30,B1=40,R2=20,G2=20,B2=30,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant5=(R1=35,G1=45,B1=60,R2=25,G2=35,B2=50,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant6=(R1=35,G1=65,B1=90,R2=25,G2=55,B2=75,Opacity=0.1,Num=0.1) Enchant7=(R1=40,G1=87,B1=126,R2=30,G2=70,B2=110,Opacity=0.4,Num=0.3) Enchant8=(R1=30,G1=80,B1=135,R2=20,G2=60,B2=120,Opacity=0.5,Num=0.6) Enchant9=(R1=20,G1=70,B1=145,R2=10,G2=50,B2=130,Opacity=0.6,Num=0.7) Enchant10=(R1=10,G1=60,B1=160,R2=0,G2=45,B2=140,Opacity=0.7,Num=0.8) Enchant11=(R1=0,G1=50,B1=180,R2=0,G2=44,B2=155,Opacity=0.8,Num=0.9) Enchant12=(R1=0,G1=40,B1=200,R2=0,G2=43,B2=170,Opacity=0.9,Num=1) Enchant13=(R1=0,G1=30,B1=220,R2=0,G2=42,B2=185,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant14=(R1=0,G1=30,B1=240,R2=0,G2=41,B2=200,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant15=(R1=0,G1=30,B1=255,R2=0,G2=128,B2=215,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant16=(R1=160,G1=20,B1=20,R2=130,G2=10,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant17=(R1=180,G1=10,B1=10,R2=140,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant18=(R1=200,G1=0,B1=0,R2=180,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant19=(R1=210,G1=0,B1=0,R2=188,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant20=(R1=220,G1=0,B1=0,R2=195,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant25=(R1=255,G1=0,B1=0,R2=255,G2=128,B2=128,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant26=(R1=0,G1=255,B1=255,R2=0,G2=64,B2=128,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant27=(R1=112,G1=0,B1=112,R2=255,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant28=(R1=0,G1=0,B1=255,R2=112,G2=0,B2=112,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant29=(R1=0,G1=192,B1=0,R2=0,G2=0,B2=192,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant30=(R1=255,G1=255,B1=224,R2=255,G2=255,B2=96,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant31=(R1=0,G1=128,B1=0,R2=0,G2=64,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant32=(R1=112,G1=0,B1=112,R2=255,G2=128,B2=255,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant33=(R1=255,G1=0,B1=255,R2=255,G2=215,B2=255,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant34=(R1=0,G1=192,B1=0,R2=0,G2=0,B2=192,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant35=(R1=112,G1=0,B1=112,R2=255,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant36=(R1=0,G1=0,B1=255,R2=112,G2=0,B2=112,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant40=(R1=255,G1=128,B1=0,R2=255,G2=208,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant=(R1=224,G1=0,B1=0,R2=192,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Enchant=(R1=220,G1=0,B1=0,R2=195,G2=0,B2=0,Opacity=1,Num=1) Prosekste kala. O ari8mos dipla sto enchant (Enchant1, Enchant2) einai to epipedo enchant toy oploy dld to Enchant15 anaferetai sta opla +15 Oi times R1,R2 B1,B2 kai G1,G2 anaferontai sto systhma xrwmatwn RGB (red, green, blue) to oplo opws mporeite na deite mporei na parei dyo xrwmata , opoy to prwto ka8orizetai apo to R1, B1, G1 kai to 2o apo to R2, B2, G2 To oplo 8a "allazei" xrwma sinexws pigainontas apo to ena sto allo Oi times opacity kai number anaferontai sthn foteinothta kai thn entash toy "nefoys" 8a sas einai xrhsimo afto: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_colors MHN PEIRAKSETE TIS DYO TELEFTAIES SEIRES AN DEN KSERETE TI KANETE (Enchant sxeto, aftes ennow) Afoy teleiwsete tis allages, epistrepste sto L2 FileEdit kai epilekste "Save and Encrypt" . Antikatasthste to palia arxeio me to kainoyrio (AFOY TO EXETE KANEI BACKUP GIA SIGOYRIA) 8a sas zhth8ei me poion algori8mo na kwdikopoih8ei. 8a epileksete afton poy anagrafotan sthn arxh toy encrypted arxeioy. (L i n e a g e 2 V e r 1 1 1 remember?) Mpeite sto L2, kai deite to oplo sas na lampei se olo toy to (custom) megaleio! SHMEIWSH: Ola ta opla me to idio enchant level 8a fainontai san to diko sas. Kai MONO eseis 8a ta vlepete etc Guide by: Alestef That guide is NOT COPYPASTED
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