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About MartinaKopecka

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    Not Telling

MartinaKopecka's Achievements


Newbie (1/16)



  1. Fixed Deathmatch Event Added missing texts to Engineer Lekon Added missing tests to doorman CH Deleted old mobs in FoG Fix Hellbound Patrol Added Outpost Captain Fix for gate Control Update Hellbound spawnlist Fixed Items: Underground Warehouse Key, Coral Treasure Chest Key, Prison Gate Key, Echo Crystal – Kuraki Mai Fixed Skills: Soul Breaking Arrow, Anteroom Door Key, Remove Petrification Scroll, Prison Gate Key, Underground Warehouse Key, Blue Coral Key, Red Coral Key, Tranform Sealbook – Onyx, Death Blader, Grail Apostle, Unicorn, Lilim Knight, Golem Guardian, Inferno Drake, Dragon Bomber, Capture Rope, Red Coral Treaseure Chest key, Lesser Battlefield Mana Pot, Special Sound Crystal, Transform Zaken, Anakim, Venom, Ranku, Keitch, Demon Prince, Cure Poison Paralyze, Cure Death Clock Fix for Item and Skill Potion of Revenge Fix for Path to the Trooper, Path to the Warder Fixed Blue talisman – Self Destruction ——————————————- This color = Transformations
  2. That's great, well see you there :)
  3. The server's gonna have an advertisement on Hopzone, so It would be alot...now about 100ppl
  4. Game Rates: XP/ SP: x8 Party XP/ SP: x1.5 Adena/ Drop/ Spoil: x10/ x5/ x5 Raid Drop: x3 Epic Jewels Drop Chance: x2 Hellbound Rates: x3 Mercenary/Siege Guard Price: x4 Weight Limit: x2 Class master with chatting window Subclass without Quest Autolearn skills Dance/Song 4 min Quest Rates: XP/ SP: x3 Item/ Adena Reward: x3 Quest Item Drop Rate: x3 www.l2.fakaheda.eu http://l2.fakaheda.eu/forum/ Other info: Vitality levels: 150% ->200% ->250% ->300% Vitality Gain/lost: x1 Enchant and Attribute System: enchant rate 55% Retail attribute rate Features (Updates by Freya client): Grandbosses New instances New items/skills New quests Working all 7sings quests New zones Hellbound 7 Sings Quests SoD, SoI, SoA and more… Other Features, and Mods: Mana Potions only from events Offline Trade, Craft Wedding Event. Voice command .expon/.expoff to enable or disable EXP gaining. Voice command .autoloot/.autolootherbs to enable or disable autoloot items or herbs. Antibot + GIS Anti multibox Subclass without quest Shift+Click to see droplist in game. Mammons in Giran Special Shop Priest Of Blessing Character Birthday Events: TvT – 7:50, 10:50, 13:50, 16:50, 19:50 TvT Round – 8:50, 11:50, 14:50, 17:50, 20:50 Last Hero – Every 45 minutes Leader Boards – every 120 min. interval ( top PvP, top Fisherman, top Crafter, top TvT Player ) Pc Bang Points Handys Block Checker Freya Celebration Heavy Medal
  5. http://l2.fakaheda.eu/ Vote reward Game Rates: XP/ SP: x8 Party XP/ SP: x1.5 Adena/ Drop/ Spoil: x10/ x5/ x5 Raid Drop: x3 Epic Jewels Drop Chance: x2 Hellbound Rates: x3 Mercenary/Siege Guard Price: x4 Weight Limit: x2 Class master with chatting window Subclass without Quest Autolearn skills Quest Rates: XP/ SP: x3 Item/ Adena Reward: x3 Quest Item Drop Rate: x3 Everything is working on this server.
  6. Well I guess this server is unique 'bout that there aren't any donations and still works perfect and lag free...Champion mobs, TvT events...all workin' :-*
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