Hey there guys!
Lately I decided to train my C++ skills and see what's new in the language (C++11) so I tasked myself with a simple project. L2 Authentication server which would work with the L2J Gameserver. It is personal project, I won't be releasing any sources or anything or claim that what I'm doing is better than its Java counterpart - no. It's personal project out of curiousity, that's about it. Now onto the problem :<
So I decided that my targetted expansion would be High Five, I downloaded the client and since L2World was on first place at hopzone I downloaded their system folder, then I downloaded L2FileEdit (OP program, beats manually typign l2encdec anyday :P), opened their L2.ini and the "ServerAddr" says "localhost", now ... if that was true, the game would connect to my auth server on port 2106, but it doesn't, instead it goes to L2World's login server. Then I thought to myself, okay, maybe these guys are actually skilled and modded the client so it would connect only to their server regardless of what is written in L2.ini. I decided to save the headache and went on with another server's system folder. Same thing, but this time the ServerAddr directive was saying the default L2 ServerAddr, that "l2authd....." so I editted my HOSTS file for this address to point to my local IP, same shit, the client went on to connect with the actual server.
I got a little bit pissed at this point, sooo I went on and downloaded RaidFight's system folder, knowing that they have a clean L2.ini and require hosts manipulation, but this way the game crashes >.>
Soo ... is there any new trick in routing the game servers beside the L2.ini manipulation, or I'm doing something wrong :<
How can I make my High Five client to connect locally at x.x