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Everything posted by fonter

  1. Fixed many bugs. You find more information in forum :)
  2. Fixed.
  3. Server successfully started! :)
  4. Server has successfully started!
  5. The server will start on March 30 2014m. 18.00h. (GMT +2). We welcome all old and new players to join the lineage2 Underworld project. Do you like PvP? OLYMPIAD? easy to farm? this server is for you! do not miss the opportunity to become the hardest fighter on the server! [Website] http://www.l2uw.eu [Forum] http://forum.l2uw.eu/ [Facebook] https://www.facebook.com/l2uw.eu Rates and Style: * Server Version: Interlude (c6). * Server Style: PvP (5000x). * No custom item! * Auto Registration! Enchant: * Enchant Safe +3. * Enchant Max +16. * Bessed Enchant Rates = 90%. * Crystal Enchant Rates = 100%. Game Specs: * Fully operational retail-style Olympiad. * Hero change every sunday (12:00). * Server Have special raidboss. * Events: DEATH MATCH, TEAM vs TEAM, CAPTURE FLAG, BANG POINT. * Buff time 9h. * No Grade, weight penalty. * Augmentation. * Sub class, Nobless no quest. * Uptime 24/7. * Guarantee the stability 99,5% * Server have Protection. * It is only superficial information about the server. We attempted to give it in short, so that there was more time left for the game.
  6. The server will start on March 30 2014m. 18.00h. (GMT +2). We welcome all old and new players to join the lineage2 Underworld project. Do you like PvP? OLYMPIAD? easy to farm? this server is for you! do not miss the opportunity to become the hardest fighter on the server! [Website] http://www.l2uw.eu [Forum] http://forum.l2uw.eu/ [Facebook] https://www.facebook.com/l2uw.eu Rates and Style: * Server Version: Interlude (c6). * Server Style: PvP (5000x). * No custom item! * Auto Registration! Enchant: * Enchant Safe +3. * Enchant Max +16. * Bessed Enchant Rates = 90%. * Crystal Enchant Rates = 100%. Game Specs: * Fully operational retail-style Olympiad. * Hero change every sunday (12:00). * Server Have special raidboss. * Events: DEATH MATCH, TEAM vs TEAM, CAPTURE FLAG, BANG POINT. * Buff time 9h. * No Grade, weight penalty. * Augmentation. * Sub class, Nobless no quest. * Uptime 24/7. * Guarantee the stability 99,5% * Server have Protection. * It is only superficial information about the server. We attempted to give it in short, so that there was more time left for the game.
  7. Hello everyone, recently opened a new project GameTop where you can find help in developing lineage2 servers, and distributing them. Throughout this site we have tried to create a simpler and faster, to provide information so that the first visit to blogger immediately found it interesting information. For more information, please visit the website: www.g-top.eu
  8. Hello everyone, recently opened a new project GameTop where you can find help in developing lineage2 servers, and distributing them. Throughout this site we have tried to create a simpler and faster, to provide information so that the first visit to blogger immediately found it interesting information. For more information, please visit the website: www.g-top
  9. Hello everyone, recently opened a new project GameTop where you can find help in developing lineage2 servers, and distributing them. Throughout this site we have tried to create a simpler and faster, to provide information so that the first visit to blogger immediately found it interesting information. For more information, please visit the website: www.g-top.eu
  10. Hello everyone, recently opened a new project GameTop where you can find help in developing lineage2 servers, and distributing them. Throughout this site we have tried to create a simpler and faster, to provide information so that the first visit to blogger immediately found it interesting information. For more information, please visit the website: www.g-top.eu
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