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Everything posted by Lounar

  1. if someone have a ready walker folder for www.l2phoenix.com plz upload it!!! i really cant handle of setting walker for servers ;/... thnx in advance!!!
  2. sltbnjr man can u see ur messages plz ;_
  3. no reply from author yet
  4. I pm'd him but nth.... ;/
  5. ll
  6. still spamming....if someone is a platinum member and have downloaded the bot for l2 gold pm me plz
  7. that makes to spam to be a platinum add me plz soz for spamming
  8. omg no one understand me at all
  9. move it plz plz
  10. come on add me someone
  11. the author of the post pls contact pls pls pls pls ;) author check your private msgs plz
  12. if someone has the walker for l2gold pls add me at george_hatz@msn.com as soon as possible thnx in advance
  13. nice link bro but u have to help us cause the scripts are written in french...so u have to tp on your own and speak to npc's on your own to.....ooo i forgot path to artisan has 2 mistakes :) pm me if u wanna know
  14. Orea ola afta....ego as poume vazo kanonika to bot patao start combat na do ti kani(fighter pou de theli k skills) alla ftos o erimos o char de kani tpt k se ortao gt?????? :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  15. Hello i have downloaded the file and run it but even if it looks so easy to use i cant start botting.....plz author give me a guide how to use it cause it seems to be very easy :)
  16. GeRi its the same thing the customization and the tools dont change... it doesnt depend on wich server pack u use so just try it .....
  17. Hello guys..i was wondering if anyone has any ready scripts(ready for load) for el2walker ig...you know those files blabla.sec... If anyone has sth plz post them here it would be very usefull... ;D
  18. WEBSERVER (Server Homepage)(originally made by l2oneo team :) ) Now ull try to explain how to create ur webserver WITHOUT DISKW !! Ill use L2Jz System because it is a LOT better and usefull with a complete database included !! Files that ull need : WAMP 5.0 (It will install the PHP and APACHE protocol in ur system simple and fast) L2Jz (try to use the search button above) How to install : 1o -> First install WAMP5.0 , a little icon may appear at ur clock side, if not, go to the folder that u has installed the wamp and run the executable.) 2o- Extract the files of L2Jz system in a folder than follow the steps bellow : -With the SQL FILES : -Open NAVICAT than right click in ur database l2jdb and choose EXECUTE BATH FILE than search for the L2jz SQL files and do it with ALL the SQL FILES !! -After that , 9 new tables will appear in ur database 3o-Now move all the remaining files of L2Jz for ur WWW\ folder (ull find where u installed ur WAMP5.0. In my case c:\wamp\www\) 4o-Left Click on ur WAMP icon APACHE>START/RESUME SERVICE , and after that click on PUT ONLINE -After that , wamp icon will become yellow and the lock will disapear -U can edit ur L2Jz Main page editing the file welcome.php (www\pages\) 5o-Edit ur option.php file (www\) inserting ur server rates and another thing that u like or need -Bellow the lines of ur server rates $servers[$i]['info']['rateXp'] = 10;//Exp rate. $servers[$i]['info']['rateSp'] = 10;//Sp rate. $servers[$i]['info']['rateDropAdena'] = 30;//Adena rate. $servers[$i]['info']['rateDropItems'] = 15;//Drop rate. $servers[$i]['info']['rateDropSpoil'] = 35;//Spoil rate. -ull need to change that numbers puting ur server rates 6o- Go to ur gameserver\config folder than edit the file telnet.properties in the following lines EnableTelnet = True and remove the # in the beggining of the line #StatusPW = somePass 7o- Go to ur Login\config folder than edit the file telnet.properties in the line EnableTelnet = True PS: IF UR USING A ROUTER , ULL NEED TO OPEN THE PORT 80 (Webserver/Apache) !! Thats it ! A FULL C5 server with ONLINE L2INFORMER and fully editable ! If i forget something , ill insert here later , or pls MESSAGE ME ! If u cannot login in ur server , its a problem in the gameguard, ill share here the guide to bypass it ! (thats the reason to i hve a nprotect folder in my www\ folder xD). GAMEGUARD BYPASS SRRY FOR MY ENGLISH ! If anyone wants to fix my grammar , send a me a pm having the correction ^^. BTW , Its the SAME METHOD to make a C4 Server. PART III - The Client Side Beucause many questions about what to do in the client , i will make a little guide to what make in the client PC to run ur server ! 1o- Ull need to donwload the SYSTEM folder of your server pack ! (Ull find it on ur server pack Thread) 2o- Change the original system folder of ur L2 for the server system folder 3o- Ull need to edit the L2.ini (at ur system folder) to insert ur server IP. U can edit it using the program L2_Fileedit.exe (u can find it on my shares tool folder Rafaella Shares). 4o- If ur using the gameguard bypass , ull need to insert the line at ur client hosts file (windows/system32/drivers/etc) "xxx.xxx.xxx nprotect.lineage2.com" (where xxx.xxx.xxx is ur server IP) -Delete ur gameguard folder in ur new system folder to force the client to download the new gameguard from ur server. That's all ! Ur server may be working now ! Enjoy ! If i forgot anything , pls tell me and SRRY FOR MY ENGLISH ! hope to be sticky ;)
  19. i also wanna know which pack u suggest to use...my email is public if ur able to help add me to ur msn...
  20. Hello guys. i am glad joinning your community which is very cool from what i can see from the topics... Well i have a little problem..i have made my own l2j server running on my pc but i cant figure out mekin it public.. i use otenet(greek isp) and a modem copperjet 1612 extended on lan with a switch levelone with five ports...so i try to login from another pc but nth happens..i have already done the customization of the external and internal ip freom file c:/server klp klp and i have setted my l2,ini with the fileedit exe...any ideas??? the local ip of my router is like this 172.19.x.x...w8ing for ur replies..if this post isnt clear then which one is ? :) thnx a lot... ;)
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