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Kane Hart

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About Kane Hart

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. I'm totally newbie at Lineage II and I was wondering. What is the best class or classes to solo to 85? I found right now my warrior kind of gets her ass kicked by same level mobs if they have to many specials like stuns and such. At least I learned about common items today so now i can get cheap gear for cheap. 10x rates 15x drops 15x adena No dual boxingm No special buffers. Pretty much vanilla after that. The only tip I was got was maybe a pet class where the pet does most the damage and work and then you save on gear and such and you buff the pet your self. Downside is I'm so new I did not know what class to start with and what tree direction. Also Id prefer it if there was NO ORCS :P
  2. No more like better UI or more stats displayed. Things like that.
  3. I was wondering if there was any mods that added more then just silly stuff like colors or bypassing crap but more like adding features. Like WoW addons and I know that will never happen but maybe a few things that actually enhance the gameplay make it more easy or fun and such... Hope this does not sound stupid lol.
  4. So for my community board I seam to blow at it. I want each new htm page to be moved to the right by at least 1 space maybe 2.... This is how I been doing it and I know it's fail but when I try to do anything else it just breaks or better yet crashes the client... lol <html><head> <body> <br><br> <center><font color="00FF00">Community Board Guide & Information!</font></center> <br> Welcome to the Godcraft Community Board Guide. This just pretty much basic information to let you know about the Board and what works and does not work. Unfortunately half the tabs do not work and it's not simply creating a new page but actually needing to program it all in from scratch. But this is still a wonderful place to grab information and guides. Also if you like to submit a guide you can email them to me at kkkkkkkkkkkk@gmail.com<br> <font color="FFFF00"> Region Tab =</font> Players Online & Rates (Please note that Party EXP/SP is 1x of the base 10x-15x) So it's really 10x-15x!<br> <font color="FFFF00"> Memo Tab =</font> Personal Notes that are linked to your account not just your character!<br> <font color="FFFF00"> Tabs That Do Not Work =</font> Favorite, Mail, Friends!<br> </body></html> For people who don't use community board or have not edit a new clean html page will be under the community board border so part of the first part of each line is cut off.
  5. Looking for 2 things. Lineage 2 the game for dummies. Talking about the most basic to the most advanced things about Lineage 2. (For people never played 1-85 or even if it only goes to 80 or something. Lineage 2 Java for dummies. Not how to install a server but to teach a person each part of the server what functions do what how to configure castle sieges and such or they already configured. There is so much to Lineage 2 and a lot harder if you never played it.
  6. Sort of new to this and I know how to figure the setup. But do I have to still spawn the NPC? If so what is the best way to do it and save it in the custom database. Thanks PS first post!
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