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About TitaN[ARG]

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  1. can`t make my own dll with the instructions u leaved here... dunno whats happening :(
  2. not working :S can u chek it plz? i dunno what to do.. replaced old fldrv.dll with the cracked one u included and there is no authentication process... help !
  3. I think that is kinda tutorial, but i do it and get no results, walker still blocked... Maybe i'm doing something wrong... if u can crack it for me i'll apretiate it... http://rapidshare.com/files/31243317/fldrv.dll.html
  4. Here is the link for my fldrv file... http://rapidshare.com/files/31243317/fldrv.dll.html plz crack it...
  5. This dll is only for dragon networks ? or for any fldrv protected server ? cand u tell me how to do it for another server ?
  6. Morpg is using same filter now... damn fldrv -.-" any ideas ?
  7. open network.dll with notepad and search for "#Revision" withouth the "" :p u'll find something like "#Revision: 656" thats the number u are looking for
  8. Ok, there is no way I can connect to this server without getting a timeout... I've tried with different oog versions and no change... Already checked Token, protocol and all u can ask me for... Plz gimme some help [Morpg] LoginServerIP= LoginServerPort=3456 ProtocolVersion=656 ServerList=[1]Ares;[2]Venus;[3]Fenix; TOKEN = 5F3B352E5D39342D33313D3D2D257854215E5B24 09:03:06 Link LoginServer Succeed. 09:03:10 Login LoginServer Succeed. 09:03:40 ->Login LoginServer Timeout. ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? http://www.morpg.com.ar/lineage/index.php?descarga=1 in case u want the patch
  9. l2svr emulator is working in 1.62 but i think is the newest version u can use... 1.78 can't be still emulated i think
  10. I recomend the creator to change the icon Nextime
  11. hay una supuesta forma usando el parche de idragon con algunos filez de ustedes... Lo leí por esta zona... No lo probé
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