i have a problem to this:
--- sql/zone_vertices.sql (revision 7177)
+++ sql/zone_vertices.sql (working copy)
@@ -4456,4 +4456,57 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+-- Custom Clan Halls Oren
+REPLACE INTO `zone_vertices` VALUES
+(550001, 0, 80232, 56680),
+(550001, 1, 81016, 57144);
+REPLACE INTO `zone_vertices` VALUES
+(550002, 0, 82792, 56216),
+(550002, 1, 83704, 56808);
+REPLACE INTO `zone_vertices` VALUES
+(550003, 0, 81416, 52584),
+(550003, 1, 82344, 53096);
+-- Custom Clan Halls Heine
+REPLACE INTO `zone_vertices` VALUES
+(550005, 0, 113256, 216968),
+(550005, 1, 114200, 217480);
+REPLACE INTO `zone_vertices` VALUES
+(550006, 0, 113800, 222472),
+(550006, 1, 114296, 223416);
+REPLACE INTO `zone_vertices` VALUES
+(550007, 0, 108360, 222152),
+(550007, 1, 108872, 223128);
+REPLACE INTO `zone_vertices` VALUES
+(550008, 0, 108696, 217912),
+(550008, 1, 109288, 219096);
+REPLACE INTO `zone_vertices` VALUES
+(550009, 0, 107640, 220264),
+(550009, 1, 108808, 220824);
+-- Custom Clan Halls Hunters
+REPLACE INTO `zone_vertices` VALUES
+(550010, 0, 120584, 76536),
+(550010, 1, 121400, 76776),
+(550010, 2, 121240, 77272),
+(550010, 3, 120408, 76968),
+(550010, 4, 120584, 76536);
+REPLACE INTO `zone_vertices` VALUES
+(550011, 0, 120056, 78184),
+(550011, 1, 120376, 78472),
+(550011, 2, 119944, 78904),
+(550011, 3, 119640, 78584),
+(550011, 4, 120056, 78184);
+REPLACE INTO `zone_vertices` VALUES
+(550012, 0, 118696, 79400),
+(550012, 1, 119320, 79992),
+(550012, 2, 118952, 80360),
+(550012, 3, 118328, 79768),
+(550012, 4, 118696, 79400);
+-- Custom Clan Halls Floran
+REPLACE INTO `zone_vertices` VALUES
+(550015, 0, 16936, 169512),
+(550015, 1, 17400, 169784);
+REPLACE INTO `zone_vertices` VALUES
+(550016, 0, 17736, 170584),
+(550016, 1, 18216, 170888);
the table 'zone_vertices' doesn't exist on freya client man... what can i do for this???