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Everything posted by leonscottkennedy

  1. L2J Freya.need version? EDIT : I found a possible solution in L2J Forum but is it right? It says I have to change this : # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Client packet queue tuning # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Queue size, do not set it too low ! # 0 - use value MaxReadPerPass + 2 (from mmo.properties) # Default: 0 ClientPacketQueueSize = 4000 # Maximum number of packets in burst. # Execution will be aborted and thread released if more packets executed in raw. # 0 - use value MaxReadPerPass + 1 (from mmo.properties) # Default: 0 ClientPacketQueueMaxBurstSize = 3900 # Maximum number of packets per second. # Flood detector will be triggered if more packets received. # After triggering all incoming packets will be dropped until flooding stopped. # Default: 80 ClientPacketQueueMaxPacketsPerSecond = 2000 # Average number of packets per second calculated during this interval. # Using larger value decrease number of false kicks, but slower reaction to flood. # Avoid using too low or too high values, recommended between 3 and 10. # Default: 5 ClientPacketQueueMeasureInterval = 8 # Maximum average number of packets per second during measure interval. # Flood detector will be triggered if more packets received. # After triggering all incoming packets will be dropped until flooding stopped. # Default: 40 ClientPacketQueueMaxAveragePacketsPerSecond = 2000 # Maximum number of flood triggers per minute. # Client will be kicked if more floods detected. # Default: 2 ClientPacketQueueMaxFloodsPerMin = 2 # Maximum number of queue overflows per minute. # After overflow all incoming packets from client are dropped until queue is flushed. # Client will be kicked if more queue overflows detected. # Default: 1 ClientPacketQueueMaxOverflowsPerMin = 3 # Maximum number of buffer underflows per minute. # Client will be kicked if more underflow exceptions detected. # Default: 1 ClientPacketQueueMaxUnderflowsPerMin = 2 # Maximum number of unknown packets per minute. # Client will be kicked if more unknown packets received. # Default: 5 ClientPacketQueueMaxUnknownPerMin = 5
  2. Hello Maxcheaters.I need to ask something.I have opened a Lineage 2 server (L2J) on a deticated server with 16 GB Ram 8-core prossessor and 100Mbps internet speed and 2 x 2TB Hard drive.Server have around 100 people and when someone change his class all online players get a lag for about 3-5 seconds.Can anybody tell me what should I do to stop this?Server just started.Please help.I am using navicat as database and windows server 2008. Thanks a lot and sorry if I am at wrong topic but I am in a hurry. EDIT : GAMESERVER says this : Client [Character: ******[268533936] - Account: ******* - IP: ***.**.***.***] - Disconnected, too many queue overflows.
  3. Don't pay any attention to what SunBeam says.He is just a retarded guy who always snobs other servers.But what else to expect from a guy that has vegeta with a middle finger gesture for an avatar? Personally To : SunBeam.Man stop snobing anything you find and go back to the cave you came from you retarded!
  4. I need it for freya,L2J server. Thanks in advance
  5. Hi MXC.I just wanted to ask.Is there any simple way to wear an item (jewel or any other) in l2j and become Hero for 1 or 2 hours ? Thanks
  6. Alt+F4 will get you to fourth skill-bar.You need to see it another 3 seconds until you press alt+x and then exit game :P
  7. Why not ? I does it's job :P
  8. Welcome to L2HellGust. Our server brings a new era in The World of Lineage II.Custom Double Special Ability Weapons, Special Armors and Shields and Unique Raid Boss Jewels is what makes this server so Special. All Double SA Weapons can be obtained by killing several Raid Bosses.All Special Armors and Shield can be obtained with that way, too. Another unique function in L2 HellGust is the Boosted Classes. We added Improved Skills on some "weak" classes which means all classes are equal now. Server started at 6/3/2012.Join us now and don't forget to vote.Have fun. -------------------------------------------------- For the latest news click L2HellGust website -------------------------------------------------- Promotion Video : L2 Hell Gust Promotion Video
  9. Where is this? Open java\com\gameserver\network\clientpackets\enterworld.java
  10. What do you mean exactly ? :S
  11. Hi Maxcheaters!I just wanted to ask.I want to change siege circle to one week as well as the hero circle to one week.I searched google and I found only that in order to do this I need to modify core.java or something like this.I can't understand it.I searched my server files but nothing.... Can anybody help? Thanks a lot and sorry if I post it wrong.
  12. So should I remove this buffer from my server or is there any fix?I downloaded other similar buffers but again the same.Do you know where can I "buy" one?That's the magical word :D
  13. I have never worked with python or java :( but I understand a little...Do I need to replace something or to add something?
  14. What does this mean? Do I need to add it somewhere in my script?
  15. Thanks a lot man!But how can I fix the script?I don't have any idea on java :( and scheme buffer is really helpful..Can someone see where is the problem if I upload the script?Please ? ►_◄ Scheme Buffer : http://www.mediafire.com/?iqigg3nn14na5n4
  16. Hi guys.After about 2 months of search I didn't find the problem I have with my ping.Server keep crushing.Until I saw this while server was on.The only custom script I use is a scheme buffer.Can anybody help me?Do anybody know what this means : Thanks a lot :D
  17. No I tried everything but no result.What should I do guys please.I deleted all of my files and set them up again but nothing.I am thinking of formating my PC and start all over again.Any ideas? P.S : I am using Rind4s buffer.It is a scripted Scheme buffer.Should I upload it and see if there is a problem there?Now about "Unclosed connections are automatically verified through ConnectionCloser (if you use reworked IL or post IL you should have it" and "If your server is reachable by anyone, verify about logs. It can be some packet floods" What does this means and how can I found if the problem is there?
  18. I am so sorry for this question but I need to ask.Can I change my name in MXC?I was in a haste when I first wrote this name.I know this is not the right place to post this but I didn't knew where to post it.Thanks a lot and sorry again.
  19. Ok guys solved you can lock it.Thanks a lot! P.S.Critical thanks for this post man.Respect.
  20. No I can't see these icons again.I saw a guide of yours showing exactly how to generally edit .utx files but when I reach the step with L2Tool it always says "out of memory".I tried it in 3 PCs and this problem remains.
  21. Yes.I need to see the icons/images and their names inside these files
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