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About Pontiac

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  1. thx for the answer, i`ll have to find some way around.
  2. Hi, i test it and works great, so i noticed 2 things, 1st is the npcgrp (the file with the mobs lvl/agro) some Mobs have wrong lvls and some have entitled the HP...i guess. The other thing, is there anyway to select more than one line to do some mass edit i.e. changing the color of the Agro nicks. thx.-
  3. I must test it :P thanks. It replaces every mask ingame, right?
  4. what`s supposed to do? reload automatically the page so it will add more views? xD
  5. Vpnbot (the server verifier) is down, so bye bye walker or you`ll have to use some cracked old walker with wpf
  6. L2walker, and L2net for what i saw its pretty good too. dunno about zRanger
  7. hi there, does anybody knows if there is any Walker server selector or other crack for Walker OOG 10.9.7 Gracia Final 2.3 Private server, of course. so far i can´t make this damn thing work. I used to log in with the WPF + WSS 2.7 (hellbound cronicle) now the server changed to Gracia Final and im stuck with this. anyone please?
  8. Welcome friend! ;);)
  9. U´r Welcome! new rules around here?
  10. Well hello there, old user here, but somehow i lost my account and cant get it back. so, anyway, welcome to myself!
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