L2Finest is back!
After many months of hard working on the server, we are glad to announce that the freya server is online! Are you ready to play the best freya PvP server?
Custom armor tiers: Titanium, Dread (Titanium and Dread are armors for starters and they cost only 1 Beleth's Gold Dragon), Dynasty, Rykros, Demonic
Beleth's Silver Dragon
Beleth's Gold Dragon (= 50 Beleth's Silver Dragon)
True Gold ( = Adena)
Pure Silver
Event - Medal ( = 5 Pure Silver)
Event - Glittering Medal ( = 5 Event - Medals)
Coin Of Luck
Star Diamond
Star Of Destiny
-Up to 50 custom accsesories with unique stats
-Balanced Classes
-Custom blacksmith (augments), item merchant (Up to Titanium and dread)
-Custom Starter Item Shop with D to S grade items
-Custom Unique Buffer with schemes
-Farming zones: CoT and Forbidden Gateway
XP/SP x5000
-Custom Class Master (Roy the rat)
-Balanced donates. You cannot donate something that it is not available ingame except services like: Change password, PvP increaser, Name & Gender changer etc)
-Top PvP, Top PK, Top Clan Manager
-Custom Gatekeeper with all kingdoms and special locations like Baium's Lair
-Castle sieges and clan hall auctions are working
-Events! Events! Events! Thanks to our event GM ([GM]Cheval) we all enjoy his events. Russian Rulette, Last Man Standing, S Grade 1 v 1, Dices, normal 1 v 1 korean style and more.
Not only these! Join us and discover more!
[GM] Conflict (Admin, Developer, GM)
[GM] Static (Admin, Developer, GM)
[GM] Devin (Admin, Developer, GM)
[GM] Cheval (Event GM)
[GM] Tectonic (GM)