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About freak2007

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  1. Necros or SS if u are new. Later on, mastering a dominator is great :)
  2. Destroyer ! WHat's better then a destroyer? 2 destroyers xD
  3. Soultaker, Dominator, Storm Screamer are all great PVPers, but if i were to choose , i'd go for Soultakers all the way. Gloom, silence, doom, anchor, transfer pain and even cursed man's stun , they're all amazing when they land...
  4. It works very good for me ! I open up to 9x boxes and still works great.On xp it used to work liek crap even on 6x boxes. The switch between clients is fast and the preview helps alot on multiple accounts logged in.
  5. try saveing the new .utx in unreal's [ Texture ] folder.. sometimes i get same prob like you but i'm saveing it there and it works..
  6. use vlc player..it will work just fine :P
  7. heh, very nice, thnkx alot ^^
  8. nice work :D here's one from me also :) for moment i have a " shape " problem xD
  9. Well than, here u go :D : L2 decrypt tool : http://files-upload.com/files/458209/l2decrypt.zip L2 tool ( +decrypt ) : http://files-upload.com/files/458211/l2tool.zip L2 tool : http://files-upload.com/files/458216/l2toolo.zip Unreal Editor 2 : http://files-upload.com/files/458241/UE2Runtime-22261903.rar u'll heve to wait 30 sec before every download cause i don't have a rapidshare acc :D
  10. i'm useing file decrypt tool 1.5 for crypting and decrypt, the old l2 tool for texture integrate adn the clasic ureal 2 editor :D the old ones are the best xD...oh and photoshop cs3 for surface edit xD..if u need links, tell me..although u probably have them already
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