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About Czarecki

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  1. Is possible to run L2Net/walker or Phx on L2World Server? <http://l2world.org/>
  2. Well, topic closed:) I reinstall new OS. Now everything works fine. Thx for help.
  3. I tried and used it by adm. And i dont have shitty Win Vista:)
  4. Well... all drivers are updated etc. I tried to reinstall game (few times) and i got crashed all the time, using new clients ... Even older client doesnt work(IL). It look like this: Then my desktop is blinking. Then crash comes: Any1 had same problem? Maybe problem is OS? Reinstall new OS will solve it?
  5. I want say hello to everyone. I hope this froum will help me with some odd stuff and to rule the world with funny exploits ;D Cya around! ;D
  6. Very useful:) But i in my system ther is no nophx.dll , game just close itself when i try to login, any1 know smth about it?
  7. Thx a lot for this version:) i hope it will work perfectly.
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