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Everything posted by l2mf

  1. I invite all of you for today 18.00 gmt +1, i hope my work will not disapoint you :) how much online? time will show for sure :D
  2. System needed to connect to our server is available on our site in download. We are starting tommorrow at 18.00 gmt +1!
  3. if i will decrase enchant rate it will not be easy server :)
  4. L2MF Hi, I am pleased to present you a high rate interlude server The idea of ​​creation was the fact that I became interested in Java, and experianced in l2 servers. Also I was able to arrange a link 100mb / s to my dedic (the machine is mine), and I decided to create the server. To all who think that server will fail, or it is another week server, I say only: they are wrong. Turning to the settings are: Rates: -Xp-4000 -Sp-4000 Enchant: max - 10 Safe - 3 Chance normal - 66% Chance blessed - 75% What works? -100% Skill -Geodata-full -Oly (I know this is standard but met with the interlude servers where it was broken) -And the rest of the things that long to write in Info: - Auto skill learn - Custom NPC /(buffer / gk / gmshop, etc) / farms /bosses / NO CUSTOM Items - Buff time 4h / Buff limit of 48 (4 strips) / Shem / Normal Buffer - Antyhvy system - NO DONATION - Hero every week Farm: It is really limited to a minimum, I will not wrote out the details, just say that there is no problem of monotonous hitting mobs because it's not main thing on high rate, but there will be things that you need to fight for (because most pvp tastes more when it is something to fight) dedic: The Intel Xeon processor i7 W3520 2x 4x 2.66 + GHz 8 MB L2 - 4.8 GT QPI / sec Memory 8 GB DDR3 2000 GB Hard Drive - SATA2 Security: Anti ddos ​​/ phx / etc Site: www.l2mf.wa.pl What more do I have to say, only to invite all. Start is planned for 20 May (now closed beta) The presentation is perhaps not so pretty, but I'm not a graphic designer and I do not like to play around with colors and photoshop.
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