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Everything posted by dubluw

  1. SO gr8. Lets see the project begin!
  2. Hey there, I want to sell the completly administrations of two serves ( one is already a brand and one is a future brand ) . I talk about everything : Webhosting,Datacenters,Websites,Forums and Files ( Good Off files ) Reason : Going to work in another country and code/gaming time ended for me . For more informations add my skype id : ChrisLineage2@yahoo.com Best regards, Chris.
  3. UP for www.L2Max.com
  4. UP for www.L2Max.com ! Enjoy !
  5. Teufel made a great job here,trust me.Some players played there crom C3 and now they told that have the best files from C3 until now.All we want is much players.That's it !
  6. UP for www.L2Max.com !
  7. Are you kidding me? I played on many Gracia Final server and right now they have the best off files.LOL !
  8. UP !
  9. The population is growing up.Everyone is invited here !
  10. UP UP,ENJOY !
  11. Server is Live ! Enjoy ! ACCOUNT REGISTRATION : http://s1.l2max.com/ PATCH: http://www.4shared.com/rar/REHF2cG0/L2MaxPatchV2.html http://www.speedyshare.com/auXjG/L2MaxPatchV2.rar 200+ players in first 5 minutes.
  12. 2 hours :D ! !!
  13. UP UP UP ! Ready for Live !
  14. See you tomorrow guys ! I tried 30+ times to use bot on this server.NO CHANCE ! I used tower,walker etc. I tried only to see if Teufel told us the truth.Yea,he told us the truth.No bugs,good antibot.
  15. 4 days remaining.UP !
  16. UP!!! Remaining 4 days !
  17. Dear everyone, We're making good progress.I added our new extender to the server,that mean: Fixed all known dupe exploits. Fixed known issues. Ddos protection. AntiBot Protection. Fixed Valakas issue. Fixed Hide skill issue. Fixed olympiad points issue. Fixed augmentation issue. Offline Shops. Fixed resurrection hp restore bug. Fixed Tears and Baylor Raid bosses issue. And many many things,you'll see that in Open Beta. In few days I'll start again Open Beta ( 2-3 days ).You'll see with your eyes that we'll have an unbugged server. Remaining 6 days until Big Live,are you ready? Good luck everyone,Teufel.
  18. Teufel ( L2Max Owner ) : " Yea with the new extender all dupe exploits,1hp bug,3v3 oly bad calculations etc will be fixed ( all PTS bugs ) .Added already offline shops,antibot.In 2-3 days I'll start Open Beta again to see that we'll have an unbugged server and fully protected" I think are good news:P
  19. I don't know how to explain ( Teufel told me ).Is something like using l2j files with scripts from l2off or something like that:P Up for L2:Max.The website/forum is active.Many posts,comments etc.
  20. up
  21. 7x are Live rates.
  22. From what I know next Open Beta will be with live rates and fully stuff members.
  23. Open Beta will be closed until next week.
  24. Dear everyone, From what you can see our Website/Forum is back and it works without problems. The problem right now is the members/people who'll join here.I need to advert more the server because website was death and now not many knows that is back. Please understand that I want many people here and I taked this decision to delay the Live Date from 16th to 23th August for you. Now we have time for everything.I'm waiting for you on our website/forum/facebook to put how many questions do you want. About Open Beta and bugs : Open Beta will be closed tomorrow,after that,we'll add our new extender that mean : All bugs/exploits will be fixed,DDoS Protection,Bot Protection,Offline Shops. ( we have a little bugs and exploits that must be fixed) Next week we'll start again Open Beta for 2 days to test all we have changed and Live Rates. Please,undestand me that I want to make here something different than all older servers L2:Max.For that I need your help and of course you need my help too. With Much Love,L2:Max Team.
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