Dear everyone,
From what you can see our Website/Forum is back and it works without problems.
The problem right now is the members/people who'll join here.I need to advert more the server because website was death and now not many knows that is back.
Please understand that I want many people here and I taked this decision to delay the Live Date from 16th to 23th August for you.
Now we have time for everything.I'm waiting for you on our website/forum/facebook to put how many questions do you want.
About Open Beta and bugs :
Open Beta will be closed tomorrow,after that,we'll add our new extender that mean :
All bugs/exploits will be fixed,DDoS Protection,Bot Protection,Offline Shops. ( we have a little bugs and exploits that must be fixed)
Next week we'll start again Open Beta for 2 days to test all we have changed and Live Rates.
Please,undestand me that I want to make here something different than all older servers L2:Max.For that I need your help and of course you need my help too.
With Much Love,L2:Max Team.