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Posts posted by zhort

  1. Rates:

    DeathDropChanceMultiplier = 3
    CorpseDropChanceMultiplier = 4
    RateXp = 10
    RateSp = 10
    RatePartyXp = 2
    RatePartySp = 2
    RateDropManor = 2
    RateQuestDrop = 2
    RateQuestRewardXP = 3
    RateQuestRewardSP = 3
    Vitality ON


    NevitBlessing ON
    Free Subclass
    Quest noble activate or Nobless Manager

    Buff Time 2 hours
    GM Shop until S-Grade
    GK Global
    Report Manager
    GM Buffer full without Dances/Songs/3rd Job Skills

    Auto Learn Skill & Forgotten


    website: http://goma2spain.com/lineage-ii/

    ONLINE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I'm currently working on a management software for the Greek army so I have absolutely no time for this. New updates along with the Android app after 19th of May. The released version is still stable.


    Thanks for understanding.

    np w8ing for update.


    Suggestion -> U could add readme file with info about each impl?, for example modifier like mobsdamage 50 mean? +50%  damage?

  3. Some of you have in mind that these guys are not your personal developers. If you want to suggest something do it, if they want to do it they will, else you have to find another way to get the mod/addon you want.


    Also have in mind that its not your servers wanna-have topic here, ask serious things that will fit most of the users needs (ask generic oriented not hardcore specific things such as config for x2 hpregen on bounty hunter or like zhort said if spoil is activated to make more damage). If your server has problem with dwarf classes balance its not a free share mods work to fix it. For very special and specific custom modifications you have to try on your own to make it, maybe that way you will learn something more too...


    Dont wait to have it all in configs, it cant be done. You have to experiment and fuck up with skills, items, class stats and more things to find out some things and make your server as you want it.


    I dont want to pretend the smart guy here, I never said that I know lot things about l2j developing, but when I want something (especialy something unique and sooo specific) I try to find it out my self.. I have destroyed lot times my sources and started back again from 0, but this 0,001% knowledge I have now its because of it.


    Experiment with source and server files guys, try and get your hands dirty, cause if you dont you will always ask from others and you will never be able to fix a simple error in your sources.

    Bro I havent any project/server, then relax, it was a suggestion, then gl with this xtend


    I was talking like a player.  :-beep- yeah:

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