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Posts posted by Daups

  1. Yep, but there is no reason to play on servers like this one, when the fun is somewhere else :lol: Actually, there are bots at the official but there are also a lot of players and this is all I'm looking for... on the other hand, at the private servers you play with 500 - 600 players (in the popular servers) where at least 200 are the adena sellers's farming bots. No, thanks! :P

    Amm maybe the point is that you can't start to play official now and be the best in 1 month or so.. plus u can't go 1v9 and kill them all unless u play there for 2-4 years. that's why private servers are so popular L2 is not like it was in c4 or c6 start when ppl played L2 because they enjoy the gameplay, now ppl play to be the best, u log in, lvlup, farm up as fast as u can, go oly, take hero, first, second when there is no much fun around u leave. that's why these days servers are no long living :) especialy for players like me (solo ownage) :3

  2. It's not about beeing old school and don't like changes. We play lineage 2 because we like the way it is. Hardly modifing l2, u should be very optimistic willing to gather many peeps, especially old l2 veterans, who used to play l2 so long.  I would rather play other mmorpg than hardly modified l2 :/



    P.S. and wassup with female name on Gm char. I noticed it's new Lineage 2 private servers fashion, pretend to be girls as admins/Gm's :))))

    please stop.. my eyes are bleading while i read this shittalk. l2 veterans is the ppl who like this server because this is the first mid server in years where there is no buffer, where u need to buy buffs from ppl like in old days, where u need to do 3rd, where u need to go kill raids for S grd wep's.. if u think l2 veterans are playing in servers like l2tales where everything is custom w/ full buffs i don't have what to say for you :) this server haven't changed l2 playstyle, it revived l2 playstyle :)

  3. OK dudes now we have a serious problem clicker doesnt work on this server. Anybody have some solution? I can normally start clicker but it is just not clicking in game never saw this issue

    u just can't use 3rd party programs.

  4. server x25.  hi5'

    what i want to know       :

    1.dyes for oly


    3.skils ++


    5.some tehniqs


    1. Dyes for farm/pvp/oly +5str -5 con +4 wit /  if u'r a good pala u can use +4 str +4 dex -8 con +4 wit i use it sometimes :)

    2. Icarus Hammer + rsk.focus / Sword + focus / Bow / it would be nice to have mage wep + nuke aug too.

    3. Agro's on - def / root/slam chance / Party ud/angelic on time / vengiance on movement / UD it's ur choice i do it on Time / Sacrifice power / Tribunal crit chance / TOL cost or Time it's ur choice too both are good.

    4. Haste / Summoner bers / barrier or long shot choose of ur skill of playing.

    5. Start w/ both icons make ref tali or aug so when u hit ur bird u can get flame icon up.

    vs Dagger - well just try to catch them w/ root/stun and they are fcuked use u can use ud+time to avoid his ultimate def for 1min and vengiance for theyr 83 lv boosts then u have still one more ud just in case u have low hp to heal :)

    vs Summoner - be sure u start w/ both icons it's better to lose bird then start only w/ angelic. When u have both of them and icarus hammer u can kill summon in few sec's and summoner is fcuked. well ofc if he uses invul on pet just rape him till it ends and then try to kill summon if u failed to kill summon just keep him on root/stun all match and u will win for dmg.

    vs Gladi - depends on gladi skills somefights are easy like vs archers others. but there is a lot of good gladi these days so it's rly hard vs one of them :) make set for bigger hp like vesper or vorpal and try fight it's rly hard to explain how to fight against a good gladi you just have to know what to do vs every of his attacks look some videos gladi vs pala :)

    vs Tyrant - if u get both icons it's not hard but only w/ angelic a little harder if he run's all match just hit him w/ bow and try to land root or smth make macros for sword+shield / bow and just be prepared if he rushes u change to sword use stun/slam.

    vs Soulhound - get talisman of protection and they can't do anything to you :) after everysteal just make self buffs and try to root/stun him he is glass.


    Well all other match's are not rly hard just need to have some skills w/ pala :)

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