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About sirsoyer

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  1. Hi, i would like to ask u a quesion about chamber of delusion on l2j server. It doestn't work ,what should I do to make it works? Can anybody help me? The problem is that teleport to chamber of delusion doesnt work. L2j ver. - 4473 L2jDP ver. - 7864
  2. I use script: <?php $login_ip = ""; $login_port = "2106"; $game_ip = ""; $game_port = "7777"; $ventrilo_ip = ""; $ventrilo_port = "3784"; $mysql_host = ""; $mysql_user = "r"; $mysql_passwd = "r"; $mysql_db = "r"; /////////////////////////// ////////Login Server/////// /////////////////////////// $ls = @fsockopen ($login_ip, $login_port, $errno, $errstr, 1); if ( $ls ) $ls = "<font color=green>Online</font>"; else $ls = "<font color=red>Offline</font>"; /////////////////////////// ////////Game Server /////// /////////////////////////// $gs = @fsockopen ($game_ip, $game_port, $errno, $errstr, 1); if ( $gs ) $gs = "<font color=green>Online</font>"; else $gs = "<font color=red>Offline</font>"; /////////////////////////// ////////Vent Server /////// /////////////////////////// $ve = @fsockopen ($ventrilo_ip, $ventrilo_port, $errno, $errstr, 1); if ( $ve ) $ve = "<font color=green>Online</font>"; else $ve = "<font color=red>Offline</font>"; ///////////////////////////// ////MySQL Login Server/////// ///////////////////////////// mysql_connect($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_passwd) or die ("Nem sikerült csatlakozni a MySQL szerverhez!"); mysql_select_db($mysql_db) or die("Nincs ilyen adatbázis: ".$mysql_db); // All Accounts $accounts=mysql_numrows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM accounts")); // Online Players Num $num=mysql_numrows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE online=1 and accesslevel=0")); // Online GMs Num $gmnum=mysql_numrows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE online=1 and accesslevel>0")); // All Alliance Num $alliance=mysql_numrows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM clan_data WHERE ally_name!=''")); // All Characters $char=mysql_numrows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM characters WHERE accesslevel=0")); // All GM Characters $gmchar=mysql_numrows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM characters Where accesslevel > 0")); // All Clan $clan=mysql_numrows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM clan_data")); $gmnamesql = mysql_query("SELECT char_name FROM characters WHERE accesslevel>=1 AND online=1 ORDER BY char_name ASC"); while ($gmname = mysql_fetch_object($gmnamesql)) { $gmname = "<font color=green>$gmname->char_name</font>, "; } print " <table width='100%' border='0'> <tr><td width='80%'><b>Auth Server:</b></td><td>".$ls."</td></tr> <tr><td width='80%'><b>Bartz Server:</b></td><td>".$gs."</td></tr> <tr><td width='80%'>Accounts:</td><td>".$accounts."</td></tr> <tr><td width='80%'>Online Players:</td><td>".$num."</td></tr> <tr><td width='80%'>Online GM:</td><td>".$gmnum."</td></tr> <tr><td width='80%'>Characters:</td><td>".$char."</td></tr> <tr><td width='80%'>GM Characters:</td><td>".$gmchar."</td></tr> <tr><td width='80%'>Clans:</td><td>".$clan."</td></tr> <tr><td width='80%'>Alliances:</td><td>".$alliance."</td></tr> <tr><td>Online GM: ".$gmname."</td></tr> </table> "; ?> on my localhost server and work 100% but if i change ip and user to my server online then i see: ( ! ) Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Premature end of data (mysqlnd_wireprotocol.c:554) in C:\wamp\www\index.php on line 47 Call Stack # Time Memory Function Location 1 0.0028 385192 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0 2 1.1297 387552 mysql_connect ( ) ..\index.php:47 ( ! ) Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: OK packet 1 bytes shorter than expected in C:\wamp\www\index.php on line 47 Call Stack # Time Memory Function Location 1 0.0028 385192 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0 2 1.1297 387552 mysql_connect ( ) ..\index.php:47 ( ! ) Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: mysqlnd cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using the old insecure authentication. Please use an administration tool to reset your password with the command SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('your_existing_password'). This will store a new, and more secure, hash value in mysql.user. If this user is used in other scripts executed by PHP 5.2 or earlier you might need to remove the old-passwords flag from your my.cnf file in C:\wamp\www\index.php on line 47 Call Stack # Time Memory Function Location 1 0.0028 385192 {main}( ) ..\index.php:0 2 1.1297 387552 mysql_connect ( ) ..\index.php:47 Nem sikerült csatlakozni a MySQL szerverhez! what i doing wrong?? Server is l2j.
  3. plz somebody fix Unclosed connections error
  4. Great job tnx for the share!!!
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