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Posts posted by PeladianQueen

  1. and the best way to fight the truth is......http://prntscr.com/f5yvtb moderators are fuking epic all of them with different story version.

    what a bunch of loosers rofl they think domain name and few fake users is what makes the server , gz  you are the most retarded project this year and its may the 9th, never belived someone is gonna take skylord from the throne rofl .

  2. WTS  epics/nobless characters/weapons


    2 euros = 100 kk - sold 


    A grade armors - sold


    Nobless characters  sps /spellholwer/necro/Sorc/Ol/HE(sold)/ pp 79 nobless


    epics : antharas/baium /zaken(sold) /tezza


    S Weapons  db ++ enchanted / am  with SA (sold )


    Skype : Goldman.sucks

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