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Posts posted by irishaza

  1. I'm not sure but same happened to me when I didn't have Verifier. Are you using Cracked or payed version?

    If cracked check in L2Walker window. HOME> other Ctrl> Verify Info


    You should see there something if not it's not verified and won't work for sure.


    Anyway in hosts add:

  vip.towalker.com vip1.towalker.com vip2.towalker.com vip3.towalker.com vip4.towalker.com vip5.towalker.com vip6.towalker.com vip7.towalker.com

  2. Anyone playing this server? I'm non-russian speaking person and I can't register in server.

    Can anyone help me out with a little guide.


    I'm gonna play there Human Archer HE It's because I had oportunity to play HE in official (old)Hindemith.


    If you are there, playing, can you help me to get in game.

    I play in GMT+1.


    EDIT: Fect i didn't see that HELP request lineage 2 section. I'm sorry MODs if it's possible move. Thank heaps

  3. Hello to everyone,


    This is the time for share ;)

    I've found this kinda best L2J server, it's pretty new.

    They've opened a week ago.


    It's time for you to join and make community.

    After you are in game pm "Celestia (only those who knows anything about L2 not new ones) I will invite you in ours clan.


    Website: http://www.gamesplit.cz/

    Language: CZ and ENG


    How to connect:


    You've two possible ways of connecting in the server.

    1/ Download http://www.gamesplit.cz/modules/download/upload/eRactions.exe and execute.


    2/ Manual here's system: http://www.gamesplit.cz/modules/download/upload/system.rar

    and here's hosts: http://www.gamesplit.cz/modules/download/upload/hosts.rar


    How to make an Account in server:


    On left hand side there is a Menu where you select Register, then

    jméno:  Name:

    příjmení: Surname:

    email: Email:

    login: Login:

    heslo: Password:

    ověření hesla: Password check:


    Then hit button Registrovat It means Register.


    Email have been sent to you, open your mail box and click the link inside to finish registration.


    Then you must login in www.gamesplit.cz with those informations you've filled. ( On the left hand side there is: LOGIN, Nick: and Heslo:(password:) )


    After you're successfully logged in hit button "Herní účty"


    This is your in game account.


    login: login:

    heslo: password:

    ověření hesla: password check:


    After click "Vytvorit" means Create.


    and run L2 join our community, be part of the game.


    Good Luck



  4. Each account have its VOC(Its the number you use when someone hax into your account or you simply lost password).

    This means your VOC number have been sent to your email adress. This is not wrong, You are succesfuly registered and you have your VOC number in your email.

  5. Hello,


    This is for you poker and rest of noob GM team.






    Cross DarkElmore 25x



    Účet(Ucet) = Account

    Heslo = Password

    Zopakovat Heslo = Repeat Password

    E-Mail = E-Mail

    Zopakovat E-Mail = Repeat E-Mail



    Registrovat = Register


    Then you shall get and E-Mail with activation code and go play.

    On server works l2phx adena.txt

    You can make as much money as you want that way.


    Also script for Invisibility and Fake GM works!!!



    See ya in game.


  6. Hello,


    This is for you poker and rest of noob GM team.






    Cross DarkElmore 25x



    Účet(Ucet) = Account

    Heslo = Password

    Zopakovat Heslo = Repeat Password

    E-Mail = E-Mail

    Zopakovat E-Mail = Repeat E-Mail



    Registrovat = Register


    Then you shall get and E-Mail with activation code and go play.

    On server works l2phx adena.txt

    You can make as much money as you want that way.


    Also script for Invisibility and Fake GM works!!!



    See ya in game.



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