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Everything posted by VasQueZ

  1. This pc is very powerfull. Change your hard disc from Seagate to Western Digital,also the i7 to i5,and your ram decrease it to 4gb ram. Is very powerfull pc,and you will pay 100 euro less.
  2. I will try it thnx. It works thank your very much mate. Lock it.
  3. Hey guys i look for a interlude interface. L2ips.com has these interface in his patch but srv closed also website and i lost it here is a picture to show u how interface looks like.I hope u can help me thnx!!^^ P.S. I search on forum before post and nothing find,maybe somebody can help me?
  4. stolen name,stolen website,nothing special on features. Good luck.
  5. I will update them soon. As i write website & forum coming tomorrow.
  6. Out of subject as always. Go somewhere else to increase your number of posts.
  7. As i say and telling this again(to prevent the spam like te previous topic)REAL DDOS PROTECTION!!! and new machine. As i count from now more than 200online player will be in grand opening. Stay tuned website & forum coming in 2 days!
  8. You think that is mistake to join in 2nd time? I bet you what ever you want l2renaissance in 1st hour open will have 200+ online as always. And believe me when i am telling you this something more know ;)
  9. Server Information L2 Renaissance Real PvP Server Why you should join? -No lag -70% of classes balanced... (daliy updates for perfect balance) -70% of skills balanced -Maley unique custom features -No rolback -Easy farm -Maley auto and gm events -Helpful Staff Information about Server Server Rates -Xp Rate x 5000 -Sp Rate x 5000 -instant level 80 -Adena Drop x10000 -Party XP x2 -Party SP x2 -Drop Rate Item,Weap,Equip - 30%,30%,30% -Augmentation Top LS Skill Chance = 32% Enchanting Safe enchant +5 Max enchant +20 Normal scroll chance - 70 % Blessed scroll chance - 100% Server Features Custom Item Stats Renaissance Tattoo (Increase 10% Hp,Cp,Mp.) Clan/Ally -Clan eggs into GM shop -Max Clans in ally - 2 -All Castle/Fortress Working Sieges weekly. -Clan Penalty - No Penalty -Ally Penalty - No Penalty -Members in clan for war - 15 -Members for increase clan - 15 -Custom Rep Point System Custom Features -Instant level 80 -Custom Enchant Skills -Custom Mobs -Team Vs. Team (TVT) event -Capture the Flag (CTF) event -Death Match (DM) event -Daily Gm Events -New character start with 500kk adena -Max Subclasses = 32 ,max level of subclass = 80 -PvP Name Color System -PK Title Color System -Max Runspeed = 350 -Max A.speed = 1600 -Max C.speed = 2000 -Max Evasion = 220 -Character inventory slots = 250 -PvP/PK zone = Primeval Isle (with random respawn) -Unstuck Command = 10 sec -Noblesse Item on Shop! -Olympiad 100 % working -Anti dualbox protection -All skills work on 80% Custom NPC -Gm Shop -Augumenter -Event Shop -Vote Shop -Global Gatekeeper -Warehouse keeper -Ultimate Buffer -Class Changer -Nobless Manager -Wedding Manager -TOP NPC Server Protections -l2 Wallker Protection -All flood protections -Spawn Protection = 60sec -Olympiad Protection -TvT Event Protection -PvP farming Protection -Dualbox Protection -Buff delay protection The Features can be changeg anytime w/o warning. If u want be in-time with them visit forum and read change logs. Website: http://l2renaissance.com Coming this monday! Forum: http://l2renaissance.com/forum Grand Opening: 1.5.2012
  10. Server goes live again with real ddos protection this time and new machine. Grand Opening: 1.5.2012 20:00 gmt+2 website will be online at saturday!
  11. I dont tell that i design it and code it i just sell it.
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