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About liya

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  1. 1st u r not in the good section 2nd u spam every section of this forum ...
  2. Hi guys, Anybody know a version of Walker wich works on Forever? ( not walker IG )
  3. Hi all, I want to know if have some exploit which work in L2 Revenge, ewploit with Hlapex or another thing
  4. Hi, I dont understand how to decrypt L2.ini, i want to decrypt the l2.ini of L2Revenge someone can help me plz
  5. I search a hack or other to get adenas if someone know say me plz
  6. arrggg its say me wrong blowfish why???, and i try to search the token its say me wrong size
  7. Hi there, L2Extreme is back, the server is on beta, but tomorow he will be UPPPP he just change his name, L2exile but its the same of L2x http://www.lineage2exile.com
  8. Someone can explain me how to use this new version of hlapex, and when ive got the token of my server, what i do
  9. I play on l2revenge and i want to know if hlapex work on revenge
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