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About l2eon

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  1. k answering blessed scrolls are somewhat hard, in other words u wont go around with +16 / +20 gear anytime soon rb jewelries are sold in gmshop so ya easy original items with custom stats sorry if my 1st post doesnt have much info, as i said im bad at this kind of thing =D
  2. Freya http://www.l2eon.com rates: xp:500x sp:500x drop: 1x adena: 25x spoil: 15x enchant: 80% (easy to obtain) blessed:100% (hard to obtain) safe+6, max armor+16, max weapon+16 features: custom bonuses on gear doing our best to keep classes balanced (spent months in beta testing for this) tvt, ctf, dm automatic weekly heroes no raid curse / grade penalty 2 castles enabled (giran and aden) no language filter well that's all i think, i suck at advertising my work anyways so, anyone or anything welcome!
  3. ull need to donload the core from l2j svn here: http://www.l2jserver.com/wiki/Setup_Eclipse_and_SVN with that ull have access to the java coding, so once u edit what u have to edit just export it as a .jar and replace it in your gameserver folder and im really curious about how u fixed the visual xp bar bug ;D could u explain if u have some time pls?
  4. 1st post updates, added some crappy screenshots too and reuploaded the file, now it shows kamaels
  5. ya sorry about the lack of kamael races there, forgot that in interlude there were no kamaels xD ill add some images and reupload it with them its my 1st share so i have to learn from hitting my head against the wall @lorddragon: if im not wrong! (its not weird for me to be wrong so no surprises there) the oly npc shows u the last olympiad ranks, this is for the current olympiad
  6. players join with the .joindm voice command ofc u have add it for it to work thank you for the share!
  7. well i found this npc here, it was for interlude tho so all credits go to whoever made it for l2jserver, freya. a npc to show the ranking for the current olympiad period the 1st thing i make good enough to share ;D or so i think http://www.mediafire.com/file/a2uaxrjp24qus3d/Olympiad%20ranking.rar Uploaded with ImageShack.us
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