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Everything posted by HUNpusi

  1. i have to earn 100 post too :( but i ll try on ND
  2. i try a same trick.. but dont work... you cant send a code wich you cant use... example: i tryed to send skill enchant (skill was 0 lvl) lvl 1.. it worked.. but i couldnt send the code wich made lvl 12 or (original skill lvl0) lvl2 (sry for my english)
  3. i know an another trick to do dual boxing... my trick very easy.. dont need program, dont need fast click...
  4. how could i make? i only puted buffs. i use about 150-200 mana pots. about 30-60 min. nem hlapexel csináltam. nyomam mint a hülye magamra a buffot. enniy. bár sokáig tartottt. vagy egy óra..... l2j-s volt. de már peccselve van
  5. i think this is hlapex pic. he changed her income packets. i think. this is really overbuff
  6. well. i cant speak english very well. but... i found a little symbol bug a high rate pvp/pk server. then server is l2j. well. if you was a magic char, and you want a +con or fighters symbol, (ex with orks + int) you would make a fighter retail subclass, buy symbols, goto symbol maker, draw a symbol, duble click the symbol. you get a new window. here DONT press ok. go back to high priest (example) swith your subclass to magic, go back to symbol maker, click her name, and NOW put ok on the window. it is a little bug. my dominator have a +4 int symbol, a +4 con, and a +4 wit... (sry for my english)
  7. i dont know... one question: on the 1. pic the char have about 40k hp... 3. pic the char have 600 hp... hm.... its fake?
  8. dont use passwords hacker programs. its is geciség . dont use another acc. hack the server....
  9. the big problems in this server too many donators. i cant save me if a fcking people kill me with +25 shining bow...
  10. im a dragon member. hlpax dont work threr. if you run latest hlpax, you will not go any server. but i have a hlpax version, with this is work, but i cant do anything.
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