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Everything posted by amaseth

  1. that maybe your common sense, but I am different from the rest of you so drop it.
  2. once again, the low prices is to attract attention from the start its advertisement, so to make players spread the word and to get alot of players in the server, besides most of the stuff can be gotten in game. So im not sure what you 2 "gentlemen" are talking about as this what you are thinking is rather rude and on my terms pathetic. So you and your "bro" can just leave this thread and never come back. ok?
  3. once again thats what you think, and personally i dont care for donations, all i care for is players. is advertisement not destruction.
  4. yes most if not all classes, are balanced stat wise. :) we have edited skills, to be more effective in a full buff server and to fit our server. We also have added a custom buff to the server for class balancing. I can see why you have -1 karma. that is what you think and btw nice try trolling, but it was fail. ;)
  5. The server was just opened, and it has alot of very interesting features. - Rates: 250x Exp/ 300x Sp/ 1000x Adena | 2x Drop/Spoil - Enchant: Safe = +4 | Chance = 55% / Bless= 75% | Maximum weapon = 15 Maximum Armor/jewels= 20 - Areas custom drops - Clan Skill Items in Gm Shop - sub classes set on auto (no quest) - Max 4 sub classes. - Buffer, Gm Shop and Global Gatekeepers - Fortress sieges - Olympiads 100% working - Custom Farm area’s (purgatory/heaven/Earth/Hell) - Scheme buffer in every town - Epic Dyes, weapons, and other items. - Custom Created pets - Unique wings(for display, no effect) - classes balanced and Edited - Custom Raid bosses - TVT Event every hour - Clan Hall sieges(fortress of the dead, devastated castle, fortress of resistance, bandit’s strong hold) - Growing Economy - Custom skills - Friendly GMs available - Unique high-five and GOD additions!!! - FUN FOR ALL!!! http://l2grand.com we hope, alot will enjoy this unique Server and will have fun to the maximum! L2Grand staff
  6. The server was created by the administrator’s Amaseth and Kalypso and was created to be the most unique server and to be set apart from the the rest of the conventional servers around that lack creativity and innovation, to inspire players to play to their hearts content. With custom class balances, class refreshing, special areas, custom epic items and custom raid bosses we expect that all will have alot to do and will have fun with all classes available. now to explain all the unique features of L2Vector - Rates: 250x Exp/ 300x Sp/ 1000x Adena | 3x Drop/Spoil - Enchant: Safe = +4 | Chance = 55% / Bless= 75% | Maximum weapon = 15 Maximum Armor/jewels= 20 - Areas custom drops - Clan Skill Items in Gm Shop - sub classes set on auto (no quest) - Max 4 sub classes. - Buffer, Gm Shop and Global Gatekeepers - Fortress sieges - Olympiads Everyday(11:00 am to 1:00 pm gmt-5) - Custom Farm areas (heaven/Earth/Hell) - Scheme buffer in every town - Epic Dyes, weapons, and other items.* - Custom Created pets - Unique wings(for display, no effect) - classes balanced and Edited** - Custom Raid bosses*** - TVT Event every hour - Event Engine from Phoenix**** - Clan Hall sieges(fortress of the dead, devastated castle, fortress of resistance, bandit’s strong hold) - Growing Economy - Friendly GMs available - Unique high-five additions!!! - FUN FOR ALL!!! CUSTOM CLASS BALANCES: This server uses fair class balancing and optimization to make as many classes as effective as possible to fight and pvp with all the other classes. CUSTOM CLASS REFRESHING: The server looked at how some classes where abandoned and forgotten…and never to be used. Well here we looked at those exact classes and gave a few slight tweeks. the Phoenix Event Engine: Is an event engine to give the server more things to do for the players to enjoy themselves. here is a list of the events currently in server via that event engine. For more Information, please visit http://l2vector.com/ WE all hope you will enjoy this server and grow to love it. L2vector Staff
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