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Posts posted by guldlos

  1. I play on L2Signs, which is a L2J server and i'm using IG-walker 1.74.... I'm using the hosts file provided by Koufo (ty for that :)) and using l2asrv verify server. The problem is, that when i log in and check verify info, it says "now we will use local verification :o)"... I don't know if that means it verifies or not? When I set up walker, it wont really move... My char just stands there and only attack mobs right next to him. Any of you know if it has something to do with it being a L2J server or is something else wrong?


    Hope someone can help me on this matter. Thank you in advance.

  2. I tried adding what you suggested, instead of only:

  vip.tt2xz.com vip1.tt2xz.com vip2.tt2xz.com vip3.tt2xz.com vip4.tt2xz.com vip5.tt2xz.com vip6.tt2xz.com vip7.tt2xz.com


    It didn't help :(. It still says "ReVerify". Does it matter if the server IP comes before walker IP's or after (I tried both, but didn't seem to change anything)? And do you even need the L2asrv server emulator for ingame walker?

  3. Hi all. I'm totally new here, hope to have a good time. I did a search, and could not find anything on this, correct me if I'm wrong :).


    I have a problem with a L2J server. The servers name is L2Godz (if anyone knows it). I want my ingame walker 1.63 to work there, but that's a problem. I can enter the server, but it never verifies :(.


    I know I have to edit my hosts file, to "trick" walker to verify and I'm running the l2asrv emulator also. Ok, I have a couple of ideas to what might be wrong.


    In my hosts file, I both have the IP for the L2J server set in and I have the IP's for walker set in. Could the L2J server IP be "overwriting" the walker verify IP's? The other possibility could be the token on L2asrv is out of date? I'm not really good with computers, so these are just my ideas.


    Hope that someone can give me some feedback on this, thanks in advance :).

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