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    L2pOny []

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  1. Someone give here the RIGHT svn for L2J Freya . i had one , build success but fucking errors in GS without reason(some scripts events i think). Thanks ???
  2. Buildfile: D:\works\L2J_Server_BETA\build.xml clean: checkRequirements: getChangelogDateVersion: BUILD FAILED D:\works\L2J_Server_BETA\build.xml:183: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "svn": CreateProcess error=2, ??? ????? ?????? ? ?????? ??? ???????????? ??????? ??? ?? ??????? Total time: 584 milliseconds Kathe fora pou trexw to build freya kai HI5 bgenei auto to error, prwti fora vlepw kati tetio, WTF?
  3. Every time i try to build freya or HI5 i get this fucking error(first time i see something like this, never had problems with compile) Buildfile: D:\works\L2J_Server_BETA\build.xml clean: checkRequirements: getChangelogDateVersion: BUILD FAILED D:\works\L2J_Server_BETA\build.xml:183: Execute failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "svn": CreateProcess error=2, ??? ????? ?????? ? ?????? ??? ???????????? ??????? ??? ?? ??????? Total time: 584 milliseconds What i do now? WTF
  4. yes but for example , it's so simple to put buttons in C# just click and put it on the form. but in java you need to use Swing class and make new objects , etc. Isn't that bad?
  5. yes but don't they have some differences ? for example you can use messageboxes in applications, so actually i mean different syntax in some things
  6. what you suggest, C# consoles aplication ? or C# forms aplication? or both?
  7. actually everything, except .. you know programms , anything for windows. (no web development)
  8. hello can u tell me what would be a nice choice to begin? Java , C or something else for begin? And for example if i start learning the C language, what will i be able to do in the end? ps: i already know the basics of java(basic syntax)
  9. ofc he worked.
  10. Καλησπερα, αυτο που θα ηθελα ειναι το εξής . Οσοι γνωριζετε πως γινεται , καλυτερα να μου κανατε αυτο το παραδειγμα. void heroForSomeHours(L2PcInstance player) {} Για παραδειγμα πως κανουμε αυτην την μεθοδο να κανει το αντικειμενο player hero gia 24 ωρες?Καντε μου ενα παραδειγμα.Πιο γενικα θελω να μαθω πως κανω πραγματα που κρατανε καποια περιοδο και μετα αυτοματα φευγουν, αλλα μενουν οταν ο server κανει restart κλπ
  11. Well ok, that's true , i liked it a lot :D (huh) Ok then :S , although it would be very serious and important for me an example that it would help me...ok i will see what i will do :( Waiting ..
  12. can you make one example? for example hero a player for 24 hours , it will help me , cause i don't understand :P edit: oups sorry for this, wanna change it? didn't know you had the same
  13. Hello all, the last 2 days i was practising in SQL connections and Threads. So today i was wondering: How can something happen for a period? For example: to make a character hero for 24 hours and then it leaves automatically(that's an example).But not to leave with server's restart or character's restart. Just 24 hours. Can anyone explain with examples? It will help me :)
  14. Trusted , just traded 50 euros!
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