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About UnknownW

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  1. Yeah, help us to enable help.htm in this server. THANKS !!!
  2. You do not think that we will have higher success rate if we use this method, Do you?
  3. My friend have just got Demon Sword+7 (P.Atk 203, M.Atk 132). I and he work together to test unreal enchant. It means that you set up a shop and sell enchant for 1 adena... We just test the time that the item broken but it was still in my friend's inventory. After that we just wait until the item failed 2 times and then we enchant real to the DS, and we got DS+7. I think that We just only use this method for safe enchants. Any ideas from you will help us get closer to safe enchants. Thanks !!!
  4. Anyone have the info about droping items of monters?. I want to know which monters drops what. Thanks !!!
  5. Do you check my server, Nuringa?. Please help me !!!
  6. Ok, so we can pretty sure that just one enchant we can upgrade the items as much as we can. Success rate will be 100% from +1 -> +3 and then the items maybe will be broken. This method is very nice. I will test it on my server :D.
  7. Can we use this method for items which are over +3. For example, we can use upgrade it up to +16. Our items will not be broken without enchant in our inventory?
  8. Help.htm works on Lineage2world. Anyone know the ID for GM SHOP, please post it here. Thanks !!!
  9. If anyone have trouble in creating new accounts. Just let me know and I will help you.
  10. I found 2 hex number 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 5F 3B 35 2E 5D 39 34 2D 33 31 3D 3D 2D 25 78 54 21 5E 5B 24 Please help me to find its ProtocolVersion. Thanks !!
  11. Please help me to check the exploits for this server: http://www.l2vn.com/downloads/l2vnc3.torrent ---> Client for C3. Just download it and install it into Lineage II folder and then run l2vn.exe to update neccessary files. They have a good security that updates the files modified. They edited the link that linked directly to system folder, they used l2vn folder to instead. Please help me !!! Notice: They do not use L2J so their server is running very good without lagging. I created a test account for you: user: destination02 pass: hienvn Please help me to exploit this server !!!
  12. The file will be updated to its orginal file. Engine updated whenever engine.dll is modified. Anyone can help ?
  13. OMG, I posted wrong box LOL. Thanks !!
  14. If you do not have the offical file so just download by this link ---> FAST CONNECTION: http://www.l2vn.com/downloads/l2vnc3.torrent (C3 clients files)
  15. Here is the client file for C3: http://www.l2vn.com/downloads/l2c3installer.torrent (vietnamese server). Just download and install it into L2 folder. They do not use L2J SERVER so their server is not laggy like the others. I tried to enable help.htm on this server but I could not. If someone can help so we can get rich on this server because I think that they do not change anything like idragon3d.com. Game Masters in this server do not require donate or anything like that, they are quite fairly. They do not interfere to the game enviroment, of couse they do not give the items for anyone. Besides, you can feel comfortable because of without lagging. Thanks for your reading.
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