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About *Arxon

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. Λοιπον απο τι καταλαβαινω εχεται ενα προβλημα εκτος στον εγκεφαλο βεβαια στο name του server. Θα σας το πω οσο πιο ευγενικα γινεται οτι πριν να ανοιχτει ενας server γινεται ενας ελενχος εαν υπαρχει το name που επελεξες. Απο τι λετε ειχατε παιξει σε εναν server που μαλλον δεν ηταν ουτε διαφημισμενος ουτε τπτ και ειναι και off :). Ποσο καθυστερημενος μπορει να ειναι καποιος και ποσο πιτσιρικας που φενεται απο τον τροπο που μιλαει :P:P:P Απευθυνομαι στους 4 μαλακες απο πανω μου .!.
  2. Friend ιf you do not get to see, will not understand!
  3. Saw!!!
  4. οκ
  5. About Server Rate Server 5000 :xp 5000 :sp 5000 :adena CUSTOM Auto learn change class (Make Restart) Auto learn skills Lvl up players Start players auto noblesse PvP & Pk color system PvP & Pk autoannouncements Start custom items Start custom title Guards kill pk players Start players in giran Item reward for pvp/pk kill Mammoun Npc without seven sings All grandboss without quest Players can change all subclass 2 weeks olympiad Mobs Welcome pm msg Olympiad games Participants 2 Farm Zones (Medal & Festival) Farm Zones (Adena) Voice command (.res) Voice command (.online) Voice command (/escape) FIX Dynasty armor & weapon & Shield Apella armor Anti pvp same ip Anti TvT same ip Full Geodata and Pathnode Java force bugs Multisell bugs PHX enchant bugs Enchant trade bugs Subclass bugs Target bugs Restart players olympiad bugs Cant hit npc in town Not allowed l2 walker Not allowed dual box Flood Protector NPC Augmenter Buffer Gatekeeper Gmshop Top 50 PvP & PK Gold Bank Pk Killer Newbie Trader TvT event DM event Wedding Manager Symbol Maker OTHER Teleport player protection 5 sec Subclass without quest Max subclass 4 Mana Potion 400mp Auto Create Account 3 hours buffs maxbuffamount 50 Free teleport EnchantMaxWeapon 30 EnchantMaxArmor 25 EnchantMaxJewelry 25 EnchantSafeMax 7 EnchantBlessedChangeweapon 75 EnchantBlessedArmor 70 EnchantBlessedJewels 65 EnchantChanceWeapon 70 EnchantChanceArmor 65 EnchantChanceJewelry 60 Custom Tattoos Tattoo of Power patk-pdef Tattoo of Fire mdef-pdef Tattoo of Resolve pdef-runspd Tattoo of Flame pdef-matk-maxmp Tattoo of Bravery pdef-rcrit Tattoo of Blood pdef-acccombat Tattoo of Absolute pdef-maxhp-patk Tattoo of Soul pdef-patkspd-pdef Tattoo of Avadon pdef-matkspd Tattoo of Doom pdef-patk Tattoo of Pledge pdef-matkspd matk Tattoo of Divine pdef-matk
  6. Server is new :)
  7. TY man ;)
  8. The server is PVP lol !!!
  9. ty guys !!! :)
  10. pvp server x100 is smoll server.1000x and over the best pvp server :)
  11. Ty man :)
  12. About Server Rate Server 5000 :xp 5000 :sp 5000 :adena CUSTOM Auto learn change class Auto learn skills Lvl up players Start players auto noblesse PvP & Pk color system PvP & Pk autoannouncements Start custom items Start custom title Guards kill pk players Start players in giran Item reward for pvp/pk kill Mammoun Npc without seven sings All grandboss without quest Players can change all subclass 2 weeks olympiad Mobs Welcome pm msg Olympiad games Participants 2 Farm Zones (Medal & Festival) Farm Zones (Adena) Voice command (.res) Voice command (.online) Voice command (/escape) Dynasty armor & weapon Apella armor Anti pvp same ip Full Geodata and Pathnode Java force bugs Multisell bugs PHX enchant bugs Enchant trade bugs Subclass bugs Target bugs Restart players olympiad bugs Cant hit npc in town Not allowed l2 walker Not allowed dual box NPC Augmenter Buffer Gatekeeper Gmshop Top 50 PvP & PK Gold Bank Pk Killer Newbie Trader TvT event DM event Wedding Manager Symbol Maker OTHER Teleport player protection 5 sec Festival zones Adena zones 6 PvP zones Medals zone Not allowed dual box Subclass without quest Max subclass 4 3 hours buffs maxbuffamount 50 Free teleport EnchantMaxWeapon 30 EnchantMaxArmor 25 EnchantMaxJewelry 25 EnchantSafeMax 7 EnchantBlessedChangeweapon 75 EnchantBlessedArmor 70 EnchantBlessedJewels 65 EnchantChanceWeapon 70 EnchantChanceArmor 65 EnchantChanceJewelry 60 Custom Tattoos Tattoo of Power patk-pdef Tattoo of Fire mdef-pdef Tattoo of Resolve pdef-runspd Tattoo of Flame pdef-matk-maxmp Tattoo of Bravery pdef-rcrit Tattoo of Blood pdef-acccombat Tattoo of Absolute pdef-maxhp-patk Tattoo of Soul pdef-patkspd-pdef Tattoo of Avadon pdef-matkspd Tattoo of Doom pdef-patk Tattoo of Pledge pdef-matkspd matk Tattoo of Divine pdef-matk
  13. The server is fine... You are not.... :P :P :P :P :P :P
  14. Ok was a change the weapon enchant rate max 30 ;)
  15. Ty man ;)
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