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  1. prepei na kaneis download to Java Runtime Envirionment (JRE) psakse ligo sto google kai 8a breis
  2. dn itan apo to navicat, to problima li8ike, itan apo to Gameguard tou Lineage
  3. Για σας, ενα τελευτεο error μου βγενει οταν κανο login στο server μου. οταν μπενο στον server μου δειχνει το lineage "you are disconnectet fromthe server" στο gameserver.bat μου δεχνει αφτω
  4. sry maybe I have say it with wrong words. I mean how to set up l2j without MySQL server 5.1 (the programm) xampp contains mysql , thats right but it's much easier to install and configure. that what I meant. Thats why I decided to make the guide and btw. If Mysql server 5.1 Doesnt work, you can unistall it and & install xampp. Xampp will set all mysql settings to default. In any case it works at my PC. And I think xampp is a good alternative to MySQLserver 5.1
  5. Hey Guys I know many people who have problems with configurating the MySQL server, becouse of this I have decided to make a tutorial, in which i will show you how to set up a L2J server without MySQL. ATTENTION: THIS IS NOT A FULL GUIDE IT'S ONLY A EXTENSION TO THE NORMAL GUIDE!! first some things i want to say: 1.I'm 17 years old an go to school, my englisch is not perfect! please don't critizise my englich skills! 2. This is my first tutorial, but I will give my best to write correctly and explain it as good as I can. 3.This is not a Funtopic,it is possible to set up an L2J server without MySQL server 4. in this tutorial I will use L2J Interlude Ok let's start. First of all you will need xampp then you will need Navicat and then the Interlude or other L2J packs. If you have download xampp, you have to install it. Choose you language, and follow the instructions. When the Setup finished look on your Desktop, you will have an xampp shortcut there. Open Xampp and Start Apache & MySQL, Now tick the box SVC on the Left of MySQL. Xampp includes his own MySQL server this is the reason, why you Don't need to Download MySQL. Xampp has setup you MySQL server with the Default configuration "root@localhost" use Password NO seems your loginID is root and a PW is not set. now you have to install Navicat: Open Setup.exe and follow the instructions. After you have installed Navicat you have to create a new Connection Type 'Localhost' in the field: Connection Name DONE! now Extract the L2J packs in a folder and go to 'tools' and start database_installer.bat Now the Funny part begins: You have to Change the MySQL path to the Path of xampp. Still type 'C:\xampp\mysql\bin' and press enter Then set the configuration like in the picture below: Now the database will be installed Following steps will be explained HERE if you follow my instructions you wouldn't have problems with set up L2J server I hope this will help some people who have problems with MySQL! Greetz Horizons
  6. entaksi pedia to problima me to database installer lei8ike tora exq allo problima, den anigei to GSregister. akougete mono ena error sound k afto itan, oute mou dixnei error
  7. για σας πεδια εχω ενα μικρο προβλιμα αν θελω να κανω τον mysql server μου βγαζει αφτο το error: τα ports ειναι ανοικτα μιπος ξερει κανεις που ειναι ο λαθος μου? thx
  8. it'S not the first time that i make a server with l2j but the last time i did it, it was on interlude. This is the first time that i have problems: look here this is my error http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=50068.450
  9. ok have found and and now i have to register database. don't work.
  10. can you give me a download link for eclipse svn tool? i would be very pleased
  11. https://svn.l2jdp.com/trunk/datapack_development/ i found here the L2j Datapack for Freya is it possible to download all files at once? or did i have to download each file for itself? thanks in advance!
  12. if this is rthe same bug like these: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=196189.0 it'S not working at me. my main char automaticly exits the game becouse has open 2 trade channels.
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