Exw prospa8hsei na to treksw k dn exei treksei, m leei unsupported game version .
Epipleon an deis sto site toy l2tower 8a deis oti den doyleyei ston l2max.com.
I have tried to run it and it doesnt log in is there any trick cuz i cant run it normally
TOwer Version :
I am playing in an interlude server called l2 max and i cant find any walker to work .
Server's site: www.l2max.com
ps. I am not familiar with l2net ..
ps2. I looked older posts but i couldnt find anything to help
To tower g na s doylepsei normal 8elei lefta.. to l2net me diskoleyei poly... to l2divine p einai top g botting 8elei k ayto lefta... ;D to psinw na dwsw fraga g divine.. alla k pali m fenete xazo mias k dn exw dwsei pote lefta g kati in game adi8etws poylaga pada;p