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Posts posted by Livity

  1. Start by learning some coding, languages... while coding you will learn maths -> logic

    While or after try to actually understand how computers work, how does internet work... etc

    It's just studying. And you should probably gain some years of life experience before actually going to do something stupid with "hacking".


    Best hackers are usually old anti-virus or firewall companies coders. Understanding how firewalls, ports etc work is necessary.

  2. As I was expecting this server had nothing special in it. Balance is bullshit like in all other interlude high rate pvp servers... I see like 5 bishop partys in every zone.

    Atleast nerf bishops group healing, make archers and mages balanced. Boost all unplayable classes like summoners. Debuffs last 1-5 mins and they are spammable like on most servers. Overlords are way to powerful because of this. Only way to kill bishop -> zerk him or success on silence.

    Another mass production lineage 2 interlude server.

  3. You don't seem to understand what I'm trying to say... Like I always say, make debuffs last 4-6 secs, increase cooldowns of debuffs, make them 100% succes rate -> more skill needed to cc the players around you. Then start thinking about damages.  I don't want to play on server which keeps the balance of retail lineage 2. That is why I'm not sure if this server is for me. I will check the balance and think again.

  4. First of all we combined midrate features with highrate features , for those guys that love midrate servers but are to lazy to lvl up , we just added 1000x in order to maximize pvp ! Second of all our server dont have items like +20 , +16 etc. our max enchant its +10 and trust me its not that easy to make it ( that means you will have to pvp with items you already have , if you got +5 bow +6 armor +5 jewels then you will have to pvp with them ) we dont want to make this server like other interlude server , farming for +20 items making some pvps then afk all day in giran and after 1 week you leave server , NO , we just combined the midrate features ( you cant make that easy armor , weapon , jewels ) with highrate features ( 1000x , 80% bless enchant rate , NO QUEST for NOBLE / GRAND RB'S / SUBBCLASS ) ! Thats something special you can find on our server , the pleasure of a midrate on a highrate !

    I would like to know more about class balance... This all sounds great, but it doesn't make daggers / archers / mages / gladis lose their power.. they will be still OP

    Make dagger skills base on patk. Then make debuffs last 5 sec max, success always. cooldowns should be increased in debuffs to match the success rate.

    And btw, I'm from Finland too. IF you can promise me this server isn't another mage/dagger/archer/gladi server... I will try it.

  5. Hmmh, I love thinking new ideas I Just don't have any idea how skilled your developer is... I'll think about something fun.


    Instead of war zone where you destroy some statue to conquer the zone, make CTF. Place flag to center of the zone and 1-2 capture places to edges of the zone. (or even more hardcore: Make the clan cap the flag to their castle). When player picks flag, he cannot use any skills. Slow his speed down dramatically, if the cap zone is near. Also remember to make the flag carrier incapable to use scrolls and he shouldn't be able to be summoned. The clan who owns the zone, will gain what ever you wish. For example, access to epic bosses, reputation, bonus stats(kinda controversial) or what ever you wish.

    If the flag must be capped to castle, it would also focus pvp to castles and actually everywhere in the l2 world. Flag must be seen all the time in the map!


    Make pvp based server:

    *I will use imaginary numbers, no need to use them as they appear here, just examples.

    Anti-feed system: Only players who have over +4* items, will gain status, which allows them to gain and lose pvp points. You will lose a point if you lose a pvp fight.

    Item enchanting: Stealing enchants from other players - by killing them. Raidbosses also drop enchants. Example - If I kill a player who has approximately +3 equipment and I Have +0 items I will gain randomly +1 to 1 equipment and the killed player gets -1 enchant to random item. If both players have +0 items, there will be no changes. Everyone has only the set which is given to them on the character creation. If you are not in a clan you will not gain enchants. You can't gain pvp points from clan/ally members.

    Raidbosses - shown on map - respawn time -> pvp over the boss. Drops small number of enchants(tradeable). (This will start the progress of enchanting since everyone has +0 items at start)

    ------- > PvP is the way to progress on server, pvp ladders work without feeding.

    That should solve the fact no one PvPs. Also the forum system needs an addition: Simply forbid insulting server properties in global, make sure everyone understands that you are supposed to use forums.


    Raidbosses spawn points and time are announced automatically -> PvP over raidboss. Spawn area whole l2 world -> more focus on all content pvp - not just farm zones..


    Cancel skills -> debuff which locks down couple buffs for xx time. No more rebuffing and annoyed yells in globals


    Best pvpers rewarded every x time, only kills count - if best player has healer in party - reward will be divided evenly.


    I will think about something better - will post here.



  6. There were a lot of such topics and they died pretty fast :P

    I am keeping my ideas for server that will start soon so i will just comment yours :PYou server where only players that have got something nice to say, to be able to speak? :P Also player is longer on server, it doesnt mean he has manners.

    I dont like your idea about +4 items to get pvp at all, there are a lot of other ways like not allowing to kill same person in x period of time, same ip etc.


    About stealing enchants, i think its cool idea.


    Well, to antifeed. I have never seen a system which actually would provide as good protection as my idea does, or atleast I didn't find any errors in it. For example IP-restriction, just keep killing your friend... and voila, you have shit loads of pvps. The +4 thingie is there just because it restricts the idea of making new character and just blowing him up.


    I forgot to say, that by default if you write an opinion in this topic, it loses all credits for you, everyone can use them as they are stated here without crediting you. I'm going to post my ideas here, I hope some people are brave enough to atleast comment them. :)

  7. Well, there is always the way to make skills customized.

    Debuffs -> 100% landing rate, time 2-10 secs -> low cooldowns -> most debuffs break on hit.

    This would be the way to create an average long pvp fights, players must use debuffs on healers or zerk him down. Healer can be protected with debuffs. Teamwork is the basis of lineage 2 pvp.

    This would of course change the whole game to a bit wowish, but the idea of players spamming debuffs until it lands is ridiculous -> 1min in fear -> spam f1 to kill for example... Or bluff.. chance to success xx rate and you win if you are lucky..

    This change isn't even hard to do with l2j configs...

  8. The idea of this topic is to create discussion about feature ideas, would they work or not. This is neither about developing nor making a new server. I just wish to have some discussion on. It's always interesting to see other players opinions about features.

    You can post your own feature or a way to solve some problem, well argumented and explained.

    Make sure you quote the feature on your reply.


    I will copy my own text from other topic here to start the discussion:


    Way to keep pvp interesting, anti pvpfeed system and make a working server without trolling and useless posts. FOR PVP SERVER!


    Understand that server is like society, there wont be utopia's. Fully democratic server's will fall eventually since everyone only think about their own arse. Give every clan leader(or chosen member) right to post and reply on forums, other players must join clans to make difference (parties..). This will cause more organized forums, no trolling, less need for moderating. Also those who show that they are worthy, (x number of pvps) get access to forums (will be deleted if he lack manners). Needs good anti-feed system. Everyone can read forums.


    *I will use imaginary numbers, no need to use them as they appear here, just examples.

    Anti-feed system: Only players who have over +4* items, will gain status, which allows them to gain and lose pvp points. You will lose a point if you lose a pvp fight.

    Item enchanting: Stealing enchants from other players - by killing them. Raidbosses also drop enchants. Example - If I kill a player who has approximately +3 equipment and I Have +0 items I will gain randomly +1 to 1 equipment and the killed player gets -1 enchant to random item. If both players have +0 items, there will be no changes. Everyone has only the set which is given to them on the character creation. If you are not in a clan you will not gain enchants. You can't gain pvp points from clan/ally members.

    Raidbosses - shown on map - respawn time -> pvp over the boss. Drops small number of enchants(tradeable). (This will start the progress of enchanting since everyone has +0 items at start)

    ------- > PvP is the way to progress on server, pvp ladders work without feeding.

    That should solve the fact no one PvPs. Also the forum system needs an addition: Simply forbid insulting server properties in global, make sure everyone understands that you are supposed to use forums.


    Remember this is discussion topic, so you are allowed to crush other opinions/ideas, but do it politely and argument your own opinion.




  9. Lineage 2, a game which has seen it's best days, but the good memories bring old players to test this game again...

    Most likely this game wont die in a while. Of course 99% of the servers are filled with BRs and that is a sign which means English speaking players are decreasing. Even I stopped playing a year ago, because there was no PvP servers with healthy English communities.

    This game is based on world PvP, pve content doesn't require any skill or dedication... So How to get PvP interesting - meaning that server will be interesting..


    Understand that server is like society, there wont be utopia's. Fully democratic server's will fall eventually since everyone only think about their own arse. Give every clan leader(or chosen member) right to post and reply on forums, other players must join clans to make difference (parties..). This will cause more organized forums, no trolling, less need for moderating. Also those who show that they are worthy, (x number of pvps) get access to forums (will be deleted if he lacks manners). Needs good anti-feed system. Everyone can read forums.


    *I will use imaginary numbers, no need to use them as they appear here, just examples.

    Anti-feed system: Only players who have over +4* items, will gain status, which allows them to gain and lose pvp points. You will lose a point if you lose a pvp fight.

    Item enchanting: Stealing enchants from other players - by killing them. Raidbosses also drop enchants. Example - If I kill a player who has approximately +3 equipment and I Have +0 items I will gain randomly +1 to 1 equipment and the killed player gets -1 enchant to random item. If both players have +0 items, there will be no changes. Everyone has only the set which is given to them on the character creation. If you are not in a clan you will not gain enchants. You can't gain pvp points from clan/ally members.

    Raidbosses - shown on map - respawn time -> pvp over the boss. Drops small number of enchants(tradeable).

    ------- > PvP is the way to progress on server, pvp ladders work without feeding.

    That should solve the fact no one PvPs. Also the forum system needs an addition: Simply forbid insulting server properties in global, make sure everyone understands that you are supposed to use forums.


    I almost want to write here: Ban BR IPs, but that would be a bit rasist. Tho it would solve the problem of not understanding the rules. :S


    I've seen servers where enchants can be stolen from other players, pvp points decreasing, those should be programmable. I'm not a developer myself so I can't know if all this is doable.


    More philosophy: I really wish someone would reply and give me an antithesis, it's only way I learn from my errors. This plan is theoretical and I just made it up, so I bet there are a lot of mistakes.

    My point is that you can make a server which isn't similar to others by good developing.


    And yes, I am a noob who only played mid/high rate pvp servers, because I have no desire to play this games pve content which sucks. (no arguments here because this isn't relevant).

  10. I never said that developing was easy. I have said that GM's and probably admin are the ones who communicate with the community. GM's shouldn't be picked by their skills nor experience, they should be trustful and social. It's every admins own fault if they screw server without getting to know with GM before he recruits him.

    Anyway, the topics idea is to find good server, with features. I don't suggest anyone to spend their time for developing some shitty game like this without any profit. Developers should be payed, and that is why I support donations idea.

    Never donated, cause I rarely pay for any games.

    Server needs more than one developer, social GM's and time. This is just too much. Never found server with all those things.

  11. 1.Go to Config l2jmods and down you will see

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Mana Drugs/Potions

    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # This option will enable core support for:

    # Mana Drug (item ID 726), using skill ID 9007.

    # Mana Potion (item ID 728), using skill ID 9008.

    EnableManaPotionSupport = False <------- Set it True


    And put //invul off

  12. I'm impressed. Usually I don't even bother reading such text without any parsing, but... Well I read it.

    Don't forget the thing why everyone plays Lineage II tho. PvP. Improving the PvE you get the attention of players and make the game interesting again, but after all... It's just PvE, boring after you have done it all.

    PvP is the thing which changes always, skill appoints the players rank.


    This is more unique that I was asking for, but I like it already. Hopefully you won't screw it. ^^

    And I hope you have more than only 1 developer to give their opinions on features and the way your server will work. One mind cannot create something what would be liked by all. Of course everyone won't like your server which is obvious and you have to keep going the road you choose, not change it if 1 person starts a fight on a forum.

    Good luck and see you there. :)

  13. Not going to tell ur has all your features, but server has almost 90% of whats ur asking. Because ur asking for a dream choise server.


    Try this: www.l2-hardstyle.com


    You can check features here: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=222088.0


    Thx for answering. But as I read features I saw the flaw which every server makes. To earn elemental attributes you need to PvP. How in hell could a new player win players who have full items?

    Maybe it's just the end of lineage 2 for me. I don't see any point in these servers. No one seems to think through what they do. Something has driven all players away from that server.

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