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  1. dude, code is 1 for ip?
  2. s*** my dick and gives the face for msn newbie :?
  3. if it works, it happens that the host company has problems, not my fault :)
  4. Lineage II Progress Rates: Exp: 1000x Sp: 1000x Party: 2x Drop: 1x Drop Raids: 1x Adena: 2000x Enchant: Safe: +6 Max: +20 Scroll rate normal: 75% Blessed rate: 100% NPC's: Agumentador Nobless Manager Pet Buffer Buffer GateKepper GM Shop Enchanter Anti Pks Información Extra: Autolearn Skills Capacidad Buffos: 30 buffs / 15 dance & Song Subclase sin quest (Maximo 5) Proteción Teleport: 120 Segundos. Proteción Respawn: 180 Segundos. Pociones de MP: 500. Sieges: 100% Olympiadas: 100% Clan halls: 100% Maximo lvl subclass: 85. Ranking de Olis: Actualizado cada dia. Maximo atributo en armor y arma: Lvl 7 Nick PvP Color Sistem Skillpress Item AIO Eventos: TvT cada 1 horas. Evento de Carreras. Invasion de Elpys. Busqueda de tesoros. Eventos PvP. Eventos RaidBoss. Evento My Hero. CTF Zonas Custom: Zona farm: Drop Golden Apigas, Medallas y Adena. Zona Stones: Drop Elemental Stones. Zona Isle: Drop + PvP. Zona Exclusiva para PvP And zone exclusive RaidBoss. Todo esto y mucho mas dentro!! // Go enter!! Web: www.l2progress.net Foro: foro.l2progress.net Staff L2 Progress: Admin XMIAX Admin Sirius GM AkSyra GM Jess GM Isis
  5. this will come from pearls next to the buffer rihana vip. :D
  6. No, they are not custom they are characteristic of the server they already come, alone I want to know as it could get them with a normal player.
  7. I leave you a picture of one of the skills http://img258.imageshack.us/img258/9734/48375341.jpg // ID: 22159
  8. hello they know like the skills vesper is gotten, those that go up stats. In Freya :D
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