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Everything posted by chose

  1. Did any1 know any free server where can i try HlaPEx i try lots of server and all are patched :((( Pls PM some1 where hlapex work on 100% pls
  2. I try way written by P3tros to make multi class ,but when i copy NPC_xxxxxxx_change_class Y and vrite number 21 before code it write "Ń" to string box !! and whan i send nothong happend (in p3tros video it vrite "L" i realy dont know what is problem i try the way of Debugger and nothing haappend too ! I do not know where can i try it can some1 write some server where hlaPEx work on 100% ?? to try if i make all right ?
  3. Ok thanx for help if i understand i only write code to "packed" and send (if i want summon some weaponi must click on GM shop firs) right ? (sry i just want try some cheats iam totaly noob about that i dont know nothing !
  4. sry i just dont know why id doesnt work :(
  5. I have some ... problem ! i try that server i try use hlaPEx just like in video tutorial (multiclass) i find NPC and do all what i have seen on video but it doesnt work and i dont know why ? (when i vrite number 21 befor code it write "Ń" in string (and in tutorial it write "P") can some1 help me why it doesnt work ?
  6. When i want try that multi class on server lineage2world tgere is not NPC that ids like in tahat video and that NPC dont change hatching to strider :(. I just want know if i can do that multiclas in another NPC ant which ?? ( i realy dont know if i can use high priest or what :() Thanx for some quick ansver
  7. I just want try this "hlapex" if i strat game with it ,where must i write that codes or what to do with codes ? Iam noob i have no idea what to do!
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