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About evill33t

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  1. Hey guys i guess some of you know me, so in short: i offer coding you everything you want contact me for prices !only serious offers !my hour price is between 50-100$ i will be fair but wont start working without some payment in advance
  2. Greetings all, our new Lineage 2 Server Kastien (30x) has just opened. It's the perfect chance for you to start a new life in the existing world of Lineage II. Hope to see you there. To download the Game (installer,torrent,directdownload) http://lineage.ragezone.com Overall Info: Rates 30x No Subclass Quest needed Retail like buff and song/dances duration. No Gm Shop. Global Gatekeeper. Factions To join a faction you must find a faction npc there are 10 for each side all have the titles of the faction in which they belong IE "Path of Kain", Light of Einhasad". A faction membership fee of 5000 adena will be charged. You cant join a faction until you reach level 20. Once you join a faction you will be given the item of spirit a head item. Path of Kain gets Possessed Holy Spirit while Light of Einhasad gets Holy Spirit. You must be wearing the spirit to do faction things. They do have a 4 hr reuse do if you take it off you must wait again to equip it. Once you join a faction you may gain faction points by Questing or PvP. You can check your faction status by using .faction command. You must be wearin the spirit to get points or be tracked for what you do in a faction quest. If you take a faction quest availablie at certian faction npcs you may check the status of that quest by using .fquest command. Please note you may only take 1 faction quest at a time. Once you have aquired enough points you can spend the points at the faction npcs in the Shop or Teleport link. The more points you get the higher you faction rank become and you get to pick from more stuff inside the faction shop. We will be adding to the shops as of now you can get Juices that buff for 1 hr a certian stat. Factions and Clans Clan leaders decide what faction their entire clan is. If you join a clan with faction you auto join the same faction. If the clan leader quits that faction so do you. If the clan leader changes factions so do you. Clans can only be allied with clans of the same faction. If the clan leader change faction from what the rest of the ally is the clan auto leaves ally. If a clan member leaves the clan they remain in the faction that the clan was in. Factions and PvP Factions PvPing against each other as long as they are wearing spirits do not incur karma. If a faction member kills someone not in faction or not wearing spirit they have a chance to obtain karma Achievement system added. Different things you do will give you achievements this will become available for you to view in the Manage account section on the website soon. Similar to the Xbox360/Ps3 Achievement system. Other things that make us unique Working Mail system. Custom Events like Blood Thirst. Ingame Auctions. Offline Shops. Auto TvT and CTF events. Custom items like Hoods,Wings,Helmets integrated into the story of lineage 2 through quests,events and blending in npc's. 5 Years experience.
  3. it is fully interlude but we didnt spawned the dino island yet cause we still work on the mob stats most interlude features like reflected weapons and refine gonna be activated when the na pts is out and we force everyone to update
  4. update: pvp works now fine (use shift instead of ctrl with interlude client) and we started on removing the bunnies
  5. lol so much wrong infos about my server 1) ITS FULLY SUPPORTS INTERLUDE i just provide a english patch to make lt a bit easier 2) you dont have to donate b4 play its totally free 3) IT IS INTERLUDE NOT C6 NABS :P anyways you can connect with a pure interlude client (but you need to edit your ini cause in the pts the ip is hardcoded) and use rev 732 of client cause in higher refs they changed the authentication key and i had no time to get it yet current bugs: pvp dont work with interlude but we work on the duell system and did first tests in the last days some npcs are rabbits (we already have fix for this)
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