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  1. kalhspera paides... pws vgazw apo ena mob kapoio resist pou exei?
  2. eisai sigouros oti exeis parageilei windows server gia na sundetheis me ton tropo pou sou leei o Bood?
  3. htan problhma pack to allaksa eleipe to retail fakelos apo to html kai ola komple thnx lock plz.
  4. kalhmera paidia yparxei kapoio etoimo Global gatekeeper gia freya? to pack mou einai l2j server... Ta modify stis farm areas kai loipa tha ta kanw egw, an yparxei kapoio link me etoimh gatekeeper h an exei kapoios na mou dwsei thnx...
  5. thnx a lot lock plz
  6. kai meta apla dinw to id tou teleport sthn gatekeeper? <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto 15009">Admin Room</a><br> etsi dld?
  7. Kalhspera paides Pws mporw na kanw thn gatekeeper na dinei teleport se sygkekrimeno shmeio tou map?
  8. einai linux megale mou :/ ki apla thelw na mathw kai to manual gia na to kanw ki apo to ipad/touchpad/kinhto..
  9. Mporei kapoios na mou pei pws mporw na perasw manual to Bufferi plz?
  10. l2j server tote ti ftiaei?
  11. Re paides ti exw kanei lathos kai sto RR tou server mou afairei ta custom npc? # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Database Custom Tables # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Default: False CustomSpawnlistTable = True # Option to save GM spawn only in the custom table. # Default: False SaveGmSpawnOnCustom = True # Option to delete spawn in alternate table. # Default: False DeleteGmSpawnOnCustom = False # Default: False CustomNpcTable = True # Default: False CustomNpcSkillsTable = False # Default: False CustomItemTables = False # Default: False CustomArmorSetsTable = False # Default: False CustomTeleportTable = False # Default: False CustomDroplistTable = True # Default: False CustomMerchantTables = True # Default: False CustomNpcBufferTables = False
  12. Thnx paidia... Aksize h prospatheia. den exw idea pws na to kanw na doulepsei tha to epekserastw ligo... an uparxei kapoios na mou pei ligo pio analutika ti prepei na kanw gia na doulepsei kai pws to douleuoun oi players tha hmoun eugnwmwn thnx kai pali.
  13. Den mporw na to dw.. :D leei h donator h 240 post. Thnx anyway tha perimenw...
  14. Kalhspera paidia. Einai ena npc ston server mesa pou legetai Priest of Blessing... auto upotithete oti sou dinei kati kai sou gemizei vitality... se mena leipei to java kai ta html tou ta exei kaneis ston server tou na mou ta dwsei? h na mou dwsei tous kwdikes edw na to perasw? Thnx
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