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About Salonikios

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  1. euxaristw polu!!! kapoios na lock auto to topic!!! Ty
  2. i search 65535 times! nothinggggggggg!!! Grrrrrrrrrrr.... gk and gmshop i found but not very good ... anyway! buffer i didn't found!!
  3. Plz someone add link of some collection ... or different links of GateKepeer Buffer < SoS GmShop Thanks!
  4. PSK+PSA files with what program i could edit it?!?!
  5. I start to understand!!! If someone found somethink like (java code , guide) please add it!! Thnx!
  6. Only name Agument ? :/ Can't chance skill ???
  7. Thnx!!!! I 'll try and i'll tell you if have some problem!! P.S. Ok, all is ok!!! Someone lock it!!! Thank you a lot of my friend Critical!!! :DD
  8. :O something i start to understand! if you have some guide i will pleasure to you >.< :D
  9. aaaaaaaaa ok sorry! Thnx! but it isn't help me! :P i found download ... i downloaded somethink and i don't understand anything :P
  10. Have english site ? xD
  11. Poia epic? :/ h appela?? o ka9enas leei diaforetiki armor epic! :/ P.s. epishs eipa oxi hero aura! alla tecpa me vaithaei kapws! Ty
  12. Ups Sorry and for duble post and for section i know it is wrong but i am lose my brain on this topic ... from here ather section from other side ... other section :///// Or it isn't wrong section ? :/
  13. Check this! => http://img267.imageshack.us/f/shot00153.jpg http://img225.imageshack.us/i/shot001532.jpg Here and with weapon: http://img828.imageshack.us/f/shot001533.jpg Please help me! i worked very hard to create all this textures and to learn about client but now i have this problems plz help meeeeee!! :( :-[
  14. Gildor is the name of programme? I type it on google and nothing! =/
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