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Posts posted by Anette

  1. Hello there,

    since i wanted to get back into Photoshop i've decided to work a bit.


    You can request these things:


    - Signature on price of 2,000 Adena.

    - Wallpaper on price of 4,000 Adena.

    - Other Artwork (You must include explanation on what you want.) - More info about price after you've explained what you need.


    1. If you request signature you'll need to provide this:


    - Render

    - Colors and other information about the style you want.


    P.S.: Same apply to the others.


    I will take only 2 works at a time.



    P.S.2: If you want to see previous creations -


    Search word "Goddess" in photoshop section.

  2. It's missing alot. The hair as you see has sparks,that unfortunately you didn't add on the tag,so the render looks cut out. The blending isn't fully created,you've miss the light in few places,and you gotta work more and add more to the tag at all.


    Good job for coming back.

  3. to simple imo..

    Are you sure? I'll give you the stock and i'd love to see you trying it. I'm not saying it's super hard to be made,tho it's not that easy.


    P.S.: First tag in 3+ months.


    I do not like her, I'd use terminator Instead of Gaga, Plus he looks more original than her.


    Well it's request. Also Gaga > every wannabes.

  4. Nice enchant system! Players online daily?

    At start we reached 70+,it's online for a week now,and beacause i can't be online trought week i can't say daily,but at evenings i notice around 50 and more,i hope weekends we'll have more.

    That's for a week:


    Accounts: 14,996

    Characters: 2,179

    PvP Kills: 3,686

    Pk Kills: 762



    At the moment there are 20+ online,and it's still early in the morning.


    A christmas event is coming soon:


    Christmas is soon,that means fun must come with it.


    Christmas stories and much more is what we'll bring for you in L2Battle! Get ready and wait for an topic update!

  5. I'll look into everyone's suggestion and will try to make you all happy,the server is new and it has a good start i hope. The first day we reached around 70 online.


    About Noblesse we got the feature,when you reach 50 PvP(no botting/same IP etc protection.) You will get auto noblesse. As for the Noblesse costing 50 GB i've forgot to lower the price,it will be changed as soon as i get free time.


    The Primeval Isle mob's aren't implemented because it will be little bit special zone that still isn't done.


    P.S.: The price of Noblesse was lowered to 10 Gold Bars.


    more one bored and fail project like old

    Ofcourse,i suggest you to make better and enjoy it.



    Some updates and changes:



    - We've fixed the reward system.

    - We've updated the Enchanter system on GM Shop.

    - We've enabled the automated Events. (Currently TvT Only)

    - Trade Block for new characters,preventing creating characters for adena trade.

    - Few skills changes.

    - Monsters drops re-adjusted.

    - Monsters stats re-adjusted.



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