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About Scathe

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  1. There's no such thing as giving a try as a clan, specially on something under x30.
  2. I can ASURE you that thing with the buff time won't work. Either leave it retail like and change server to 15x or below or make it high rate style with 1 or 2 hour buffs and make it 30x or more. Mid-term doesn't work. Plus...interlude? Really? ps: Don't blame other people for your failures, you keep bringing it on yourself lol.
  3. I don't like the fact he abandons servers, no, but it's where the best high rate clans are so...must be there :D
  4. Some of the servers that kid mentioned had bugs for its whole existance, you went beyong my point. Sure it takes seconds to fix stuff, but to some people it takes hours/days to care. That's what I meant.
  5. Hobby elixir and elite? Nice 500 population server bro. Azure gaming? Played nanaki and celes, both 2-4 month servers. L2 gold? 200 people online are you -beep-ing serious? You're such a troll, clueless about servers rofl. Here was I talking about good servers and you bring up shitty ass servers with less population than most javas, lol.
  6. 2 years? rofl must be an awesome low rate u got there brah, stacked endgame sure sounds attractive. Reveal name?
  7. And low rates don't? LOL. RPG had 11k at start, 3/4 months after 2k, every server dies, it's just a matter of time.
  8. I'd really like to see any high rate clan besides the ones that will play on this renewal take an epic from us or a siege, really. Ofcourse the clans that play renewal are the top high rate clans, on ANY server I doubt any high rate clan could be better than us and crips. Maybe destiny can be involed in that list aswel. And deathrow even though they lack numbers. And if you guys got any doubt that we're the top clans than how come throughout the 100 servers we played we never met you dipshits? Live on the forums more, you are all talk. PS: People that say sawks servers lack dev are dumb, unlike bbanhammer over here it takes him minutes to fix buffs/other stuff. He simply stops caring about the server, but then again every good server finishes fast. Just look at RPG...and it's GF x15 lol.
  9. Yes worse. The most crowded high rate ever since interlude was launched and he's worse. All of his servers had 10 times the population bbanhammers servers had and always had the top clans playing there, must be pretty dumb to even compare them.
  10. It's pretty obvious I never got shit, don't know why ppl are even crying without any proof or reason.
  11. The last good high rate will be renewal, after that the last two competitive clans in l2 will quit and everything after this era will be shit.
  12. Right, until you prove to people it wasn't you that owned all those servers you can forget it. But then again I don't think even with that you'll ever achieve anything as an admin.
  13. I'd really like to know what I got from sawk cause I can't remember shit ??? ??? ??? ???
  14. Slovenian administrators are never going anywhere cause of Dizzan. Deal with it.
  15. Still dropping greeks 24/7, how about you? haha
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