Unban me now badsystem account or i will be close this -beep-ing site ;) i tell you it now! unban me! i want see my account unban or you remember me ;)
see the photos!
and see the program internets! i open just pro with crone and with firefox badsystem
and i am not dark... and marioc
hey guys i am badsystem and i don't pay the account ! i say pay my account because i don't want know anybody who is me ! that i want say is i say lies because for this only reason to don't unterstand it me! because they don't join to my server! radioarvyla and now i am not now radioarvyla server and i want tell it! thank's and plz unban me!
ee guys psemata eipa gt dn ithela na martiritho egw eimai o badsystem kai kala legodas psemata gia na mn me parete xampari kai dn mpite ston l2radioarvyla alla kalitera na to po! plz unban me dn to mirasa se kanenan ! psemata eipa apla empena me ton badsystem kai me ton justpro acc kai to gamousa! unban me