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About yoshida14

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. i didn't play h5 yes
  2. i voted i think monastry
  3. ya it works thx dev :) u r my hero
  4. thx bleadd it works but wjen i use it restored 100 mp this is not enough i need to restore 1000 mp
  5. Trance> am using gracia final l2j Dev> 1.yes nothing happened 2.oh ya that's work's i was spawning him
  6. hello guyz i have many ques need to answer plz 1.mana don't work with me when i use it in my server tell me nothing happened 2.when i hit baium i died fast and when i hit valakas he travel me to goddard plz help me guyz
  7. hello guys i have some questions for my server 1.when i click on mana potion tell me nothing happened can any one help for that? 2.when i spaw valakas and i hit him he travel me to goddard why? and baium when i hit him i died 3.i need to make my server playing without hamachi and without plauing gameserver and login server how? p.s: im using l2j server gracia final plz help me guys
  8. hello..! guys plz can anyone help i can't create my own l2 server i see the youtube etc. there something wrong. can anyone give me files for gracia final or freya plz ?
  9. thanks man a lot it solve the problem but i have another problem i open bartz and ping 0 ok and when i press confirm i can't enter my server any one can help me plz
  10. hi all i'm new and i see many threads on this forum i have make a new l2j Gracia but i have a problem if anyone can help me i will be so happy when i start login server and game-server it works good but every time i open the game there is a new server the first one open Bartz and i found it 9999 ping i closed it the second time sieghardt and i found it 9999 ping too i don't now why and every time i open the game new server is came out and ping 9999 any one can help me plz and ty all
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