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Posts posted by DragonHunt0r

  1. Sorry for the long delay for replying, I was working for like a week at some school projects oh well This is how PacketX looks like atm

    Removed some of the features but also added alot of them

    Removed the server emulator you can just use l2c/l2j or whatever you like to use

    updated the GUI

    Created a SDK

    and more updates





  2. Hey guys whats up, I've been working for months at this project and this is a beta release of PacketX




    Patched the lineage2 encrypt/decrypt, no encrypted traffic going to my PacketX

    Plugin Support (There are going to be alot of functions so u can have some fun or make a bot or whatever u like to do ingame)

    Modify incoming packets from the server using breakpoints

    Fixed the Player/Npc information

    Set a breakpoint at the game or server side

    Removed the message at login if u want to breakpoint the Key Packet (the message was useless anyways)

    No encrypted traffic is going to PacketX it can be directly being read

    Fixed some game errors that PacketX caused

    Realtime Server/Game key updates

    Custom commands starts with '??', Example how to use a command: ??say test

    Plugins are having ther own logs


    It's able to decrypt the polymorphism encryption

    PacketX can listen at any port... as default it's 555

    It's able to bypass some tricks people use to get rid of those people who are using L2Phx

    Bypass the login/game server ports, PacketX will detect automatically if your ingame or just about to login

    Debug the packets

    Breakpoints - This is 1 of the most powerful features of PacketX, It's able to modify any packet before a packet has been send to the game server or lineage2 client

    So we are able to change anything in the game, and modifying whats in our path

    When a breakpoint is triggered your able to modify any data what was about to send/receive

    Using the breakpoints could be really fun to play with because any data that was about to send to the server/client

    We are able to catch it before it was even send/received

    Log players - Your able to get the Object id, name, title, x, y, z, Heading, verhicle Id and much more

    Log Npc's - Your able to get the Object Id, Npc Id, Name, Title, X, Y, Z, Heading and much more

    Decrypt the packets at native mode - This will decrypt the packets in C++ instead of using the .net framework, It's much faster

    Realtime server/client debugging - Your able to see everything what is happening

    realtime encryption/decryption log

    Redirect the connection of lineage2

    Supports multiple clients

    Inject packets to the Game or Server, Your able to sent any data to the game/server, you can enable/disable the encryption and header size (Also comes with a auto packet sender)

    Make your own plugins in the .NET Framework for PacketX for your own needs what to do ingame

    Works at Lineage2 Official servers (L2Off), L2J

    and much more...


    This version of PacketX is very stable and your able to packet flood at 0msec


    It also comes with:

    L2Crypt.dll - Native Encrypt/Decrypt

    WinsockRedirect.dll - Redirects the connection to the proxy server for packet hacking

    xBot.dll - A simple plugin I made which can do some funny stuff :)



    xBot source code:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using L2PacketX.src.Lineage2.Packets;
    using L2PacketX.src.Lineage2;
    namespace xBot
        public class xBot : L2PacketX.src.PluginSystem.PacketXPlugin
            Random rnd = new Random();
            public override string PluginName
                    return "xBot";
            public override void EntryPoint()
                AddLog("xBot Plugin is loaded!", true);
            public override void onEnterWorld(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client)
                AddLog("Entering world", true);
            public override void onLogout(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
                L2Say say = new L2Say();
                say.Message = "Bye bye world...";
                Say(say, client, TargetHost.Server);
                AddLog("Logging out", true);
            public override void onValidatePosition(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
                AddLog("Validating Position", true);
            public override void onPacketXCommand(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, string cmd, PlayerInfo player)
                AddLog("Executing command: " + cmd, true);
                if (cmd.StartsWith("say "))
                    L2Say say = new L2Say();
                    say.Message = cmd.Substring(4);
                    Say(say, client, TargetHost.Server);
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("rndwalk"))
                    L2Position pos = new L2Position();
                    pos.TargetX = (client.playerInfo.X + rnd.Next(-100, 100));
                    pos.TargetY = (client.playerInfo.Y + rnd.Next(-100, 100));
                    pos.TargetZ = client.playerInfo.Z;
                    pos.CurX = client.playerInfo.X;
                    pos.CurY = client.playerInfo.Y;
                    pos.CurZ = client.playerInfo.Z;
                    MoveToPosition(pos, client, TargetHost.Server);
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("kill_all"))
                    for (int i = 0; i < client.Npcs.Count; i++)
                        L2Die die = new L2Die();
                        die.ObjectId = client.Npcs.Values[i].ObjectId;
                        this.Die(die, client);
                    for (int i = 0; i < client.Players.Count; i++)
                        if (client.playerInfo.ObjectId == client.Players.Values[i].ObjectId)
                            continue; //don't kill ourself
                        L2Die die = new L2Die();
                        die.ObjectId = client.Players.Values[i].ObjectId;
                        this.Die(die, client);
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("clean"))
                    for (int i = 0; i < client.Npcs.Count; i++)
                        this.DeleteObject(client.Npcs.Values[i].ObjectId, client);
                    for (int i = 0; i < client.Players.Count; i++)
                        if (client.playerInfo.ObjectId == client.Players.Values[i].ObjectId)
                            continue; //don't kill ourself
                        this.DeleteObject(client.Players.Values[i].ObjectId, client);
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("lvlup"))
                    L2SocialAction action = new L2SocialAction();
                    action.ActionId = (int)SocialActions.Hello;
                    action.ObjectId = player.ObjectId;
                    SocialAction(action, client, TargetHost.Server);
                else if (cmd.StartsWith("injectgame "))
                    List<Byte> bytes = new List<Byte>();
                    string byteStr = cmd.Substring(11);
                    for (int i = 0; i < byteStr.Length / 3; i++)
                        bytes.Add(Byte.Parse(byteStr[i * 3].ToString() + byteStr[(i * 3) + 1].ToString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber));
                    InjectPayload(bytes.ToArray(), client, TargetHost.Game, true);
            public override void onRequestAttack(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
                AddLog("Requestion to attack", true);
            public override void onRequestStartPledgeWar(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestReplyStartPledgeWar(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestStopPledgeWar(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestReplyStopPledgeWar(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestSurrenderPledgeWar(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestReplySurrenderPledgeWar(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestUnEquipItem(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestTrade(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onAddTradeItem(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onTradeDone(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestLinkHtml(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
                AddLog("Requesting html", true);
            public override void onRequestBBSwrite(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestJoinPledge(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestAnswerJoinPledge(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestWithdrawalPledge(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestOustPledgeMember(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestGetItemFromPet(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestAllianceInformation(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestCrystallizeItem(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestPrivateStoreManageSell(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onSetPrivateStoreListSell(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestSellItem(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestMagicSkillList(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onAppearing(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
                AddLog("Appearing", true);
            public override void onSendWareHouseDepositList(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onSendWareHouseWithDrawList(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestShortCutRegister(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestShortCutDelete(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestBuyItem(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestDismissPledge(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestJoinParty(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestAnswerJoinParty(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestWithDrawalParty(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestOustPartyMember(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onRequestDismissParty(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onCannotMoveAnymore(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
                AddLog("Cannot move anymore", true);
            public override void onRequesTargetCancel(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
                AddLog("Cancelling target", true);
            public override void onClanSetTitle(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onProtocolVersion(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
                AddLog("Sending protocol version", true);
            public override void onMovingToPosition(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
                AddLog("Moving to position", true);
            public override void onDismisspartyroom(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onCommunityBoard(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
                AddLog("Opening community board", true);
            public override void onCharacterSelect(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
                AddLog("Selecting character", true);
            public override void onNewCharacter(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
                AddLog("Creating character", true);
            public override void onInventory(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
                AddLog("Opening inventory", true);
            public override void onSelectTarget(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
                AddLog("Selecting target", true);
            public override void onRequestDropItem(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
                AddLog("Dropping item", true);
            public override void onRequestUseItem(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onBypassHandler(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onAuthLogin(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
                AddLog("Logging in", true);
            public override void onRequestUseSkill(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)
            public override void onSay(L2PacketX.src.ConnectedClient client, PlayerInfo player)


    An old video of PacketX but it basicly shows what it can do

    PacketX preview





    width=1024 height=644http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/5770/injectpacket.png[/img]



    Download: http://www.multiupload.com/81JWSYZLLF

    Credits goes to DragonHunter

    Project has been coded in C++/C#


    How to use:

    Start L2PacketX.exe

    Go to the Server tab and press 'Listen Proxy'

    Now press at the button '...' select the l2.exe

    Press 'Start & Inject' the game should start now

    Login and have fun packet hacking :)


    Have fun and comment ;)


    Getting a error when pressing 'Inject' or 'Start & Inject' ? this is how to fix it!

    1. Download the msvcr100d.dll from http://www.dll-files.com/pop.php?dll=msvcr100d

    2. Drag/Drop the file to: C:WindowsSystem

    3. Try L2PacketX again ;)

  3. fixed Desire_Interact, need to double click again at the target to run to it

    Created the BuffCollection

    Created the SkillCollection

    We are able to have multiple buffs now

    Removed 2000 weapons, We need to remake those anyways

    Updated the skills

    Created Skill: Song of Elemental







    the server is now also able to start in 7 seconds with just 83mb memory instead of 400mb we had before

  4. fixed Desire_Interact, need to double click again at the target to run to it

    Created the BuffCollection

    Created the SkillCollection

    We are able to have multiple buffs now

    Removed 2000 weapons, We need to remake those anyways

    Updated the skills

    Created Skill: Song of Elemental







    the server is now also able to start in 7 seconds with just 83mb memory instead of 400mb we had before

  5. Good job guys and my best wishes for your project, but i got 1 question...Do u take the code from java and try to recode it in C or u are doing it totally independent?

    We do not take any code from L2J (Java), So yes all we make is our own written code, we don't recode from other projects like l2j

  6. Ok so after rewriting some code for the Npc's and Player and making an Packet Processor

    It's now even more stable and L2C is able to run at just 80MB ram and 0-5% cpu usage

    So this means you can run it at like any computer with low specs


    minimum specs:

    256mb ram

    single core processor

    10GB hdd

    Windows XP (or any other lightweight OS)


    The minimum specs can change since we are still working at the server but currently this are the minimum specs you need to run L2C


    and the other Developer which was also working at L2C came back so lets hope he will not leave the project again ;)

  7. I've been working again at L2C and i tried to make it compatible for Windows and Ubuntu and I'm finally have it also working at Ubuntu

    For ubuntu ur able to run it in MonoDevelop and it's just running just fine, no errors or what so ever

    And for windows your able to start the game/login server .exe or just running it inside visualstudio


    This update came from Rev 34 so if your source is outdated update it and run it in ubuntu or windows ;)




  8. Hey guys it's been a long time since i've been posting in here... anyways I've been workin at some project and i wanted to show it ya guys



    Decrypt the lineage2 packets

    PacketX can listen at any port... as default it's 555

    It's able to bypass some tricks people use to get rid of those people who are using L2Phx

    Bypass the login/game server ports, PacketX will detect automatically if your ingame or just about to login

    Debug the packets

    Breakpoints - This is 1 of the most powerful features of PacketX, It's able to modify any packet before a packet has been send to the game server or lineage2 client

                         So we are able to change anything in the game, and modifying whats in our path

                         When a breakpoint is triggered your able to modify any data what was about to send/receive

                         Using the breakpoints could be really fun to play with because any data that was about to send to the server/client

                         We are able to catch it before it was even send/received

    Log players - Your able to get the Object id, name, title, x, y, z, Heading, verhicle Id and much more

    Log Npc's - Your able to get the Object Id, Npc Id, Name, Title, X, Y, Z, Heading and much more

    Decrypt the packets at native mode - This will decrypt the packets in C++ instead of using the .net framework, It's much faster

    Realtime server/client debugging - Your able to see everything what is happening

    realtime encryption/decryption log

    Redirect the connection of lineage2

    Supports multiple clients


    Example logs:


    Lineage2 debug console is started
    Connection to the PacketX database is successful
    [Proxy] Listening at port 555
    [GS] received User Information, object id: -1580383231, player: ῦ憧稻录�
    [GS] received player account information
    [GS] received User Information, object id: 270534951, player: DragonZor
    [GS] Received skill list
    [GS] Player: BLadyyy, location 82638, 148258, -3472 => 81870, 148099, -3471
    [GS] Player: NegoFumo, location 83605, 148079, -3403 => 83609, 148071, -3403
    [GS] Player: Oregom, location 82481, 149041, -3346 => 83104, 148466, -3464
    [GS] player: DragonZor, said: Welcome to the Gang.
    [GS] player: DragonZor, said: Vote us daily on www.l2gang.com
    [GS] player: DragonZor, said: All the infoz are on main page and on forum. If you have any question don`t hesitate to post on forum or stress up the GM's. 
    [GS] player: DragonZor, said: In Shout & Hero chat  speak only in ENGLISH.  In the other case you will receive ChatBan 120 min or more.
    [GS] player: DragonZor, said: Read in forums (trade section) where is allowed to place shops in Giran
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player: NeXo, location 82930, 148186, -3472 => 82678, 148566, -3472
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 3
    [GS] Player: BLadyyy, location 82332, 148194, -3472 => 81596, 148356, -3469
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 3
    [GS] Player: Oregom, location 82714, 148825, -3472 => 82997, 148383, -3472
    [GS] Player: NegoFumo, location 83609, 148071, -3403 => 83653, 148011, -3408
    [GS] Player: SUPERB, location 82467, 149055, -3345 => 82808, 148768, -3472
    [GS] Player: Qweriop, location 82523, 149066, -3345 => 83120, 148941, -3464
    [GS] Player: Zeref, location 83546, 148251, -3408 => 83466, 148288, -3409
    [GS] Player: Oregom, location 82895, 148542, -3472 => 83406, 147990, -3408
    [GS] Player: BLadyyy, location 81900, 148288, -3472 => 80972, 148538, -3471
    [GS] selecting target object id: 269232923, loc: 82678, 148566, -3472, target:Blizniak
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 3
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player: SUPERB, location 82675, 148879, -3472 => 82808, 148768, -3467
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 3
    [GS] Player: Zeref, location 83466, 148288, -3409 => 83411, 148266, -3408
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] selecting target object id: 268477021, loc: 82960, 148974, -3469, target:
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player: Oregom, location 83068, 148354, -3468 => 83994, 147399, -3408
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 3
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Updating status for NegoFumo
    [GS] Updating status for NegoFumo
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 82069, 147536, -3472 => 82152, 147633, -3467
    [GS] Player: Qweriop, location 83120, 148941, -3464 => 83299, 148911, -3408
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 82137, 147616, -3468 => 82257, 147732, -3472
    [GS] Player: BLadyyy, location 80972, 148538, -3471 => 79456, 148784, -3536
    [GS] Player: Oregom, location 83546, 147860, -3408 => 83871, 147386, -3408
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 82212, 147689, -3472 => 82314, 147902, -3467
    [GS] Player: BLadyyy, location 80881, 148552, -3471 => 80688, 148656, -3472
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 3
    [GS] Player: NeXo, location 82694, 148388, -3472 => 82697, 148409, -3472
    [GS] selecting target object id: 270104288, loc: 83248, 149297, -3409, target:Leya
    [GS] selecting target object id: 268476373, loc: 83248, 149297, -3409, target:
    [GS] Using Skill at target object id: 270104288, target:Leya
    [GS] Player: BLadyyy, location 80702, 148648, -3472 => 78170, 148493, -3600
    [GS] selecting target object id: 269750410, loc: 82697, 148409, -3472, target:BufCio
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player: Qweriop, location 83357, 148710, -3408 => 83332, 148505, -3408
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 82297, 147867, -3471 => 82384, 148029, -3472
    [GS] selecting target object id: 270104288, loc: 83248, 149297, -3409, target:Leya
    [GS] selecting target object id: 268476373, loc: 83248, 149297, -3409, target:
    [GS] Using Skill at target object id: 270104288, target:Leya
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 82353, 147971, -3471 => 82325, 148142, -3472
    [GS] Player: Oregom, location 83781, 147516, -3408 => 84014, 146672, -3408
    [GS] selecting target object id: 270104288, loc: 83248, 149297, -3409, target:Leya
    [GS] selecting target object id: 268476373, loc: 83248, 149297, -3409, target:
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 3
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] selecting target object id: 270104288, loc: 83248, 149297, -3409, target:Leya
    [GS] selecting target object id: 268476373, loc: 83248, 149297, -3409, target:
    [GS] selecting target object id: 268477034, loc: 83332, 148505, -3408, target:
    [GS] Using Skill at target object id: 270104288, target:Leya
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 4
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 82325, 148142, -3472 => 82338, 147949, -3467
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player: Oregom, location 83866, 147207, -3408 => 84047, 146566, -3408
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 3
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 82330, 148063, -3471 => 82291, 147927, -3472
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 82300, 147961, -3471 => 82249, 147857, -3472
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 3
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player: Oregom, location 83922, 147006, -3408 => 84083, 146517, -3408
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 82249, 147857, -3472 => 82130, 147734, -3467
    [GS] Player: NeXo, location 82697, 148409, -3472 => 82638, 148619, -3472
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 82193, 147800, -3470 => 82099, 147714, -3472
    [GS] Player: Oregom, location 83997, 146778, -3408 => 84277, 146467, -3408
    [GS] selecting target object id: 268730318, loc: 83416, 147946, -3399, target:M1stirio7
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 3
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 82099, 147714, -3472 => 82203, 147692, -3467
    [GS] Player: Oregom, location 84136, 146623, -3408 => 84413, 146468, -3408
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 82189, 147694, -3468 => 82250, 147739, -3472
    [GS] selecting target object id: 270107169, loc: 82638, 148619, -3472, target:Nrk0
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 82250, 147739, -3472 => 82349, 147826, -3467
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player: Oregom, location 84373, 146490, -3408 => 84965, 146449, -3407
    [GS] Player: DcC, location 83416, 147946, -3399 => 82959, 148196, -3472
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 3
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 82349, 147826, -3467 => 82477, 147903, -3472
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player: DcC, location 83245, 148039, -3419 => 82903, 148132, -3472
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 82416, 147866, -3467 => 82562, 147924, -3472
    [GS] Player: Oregom, location 84564, 146476, -3408 => 85398, 146467, -3403
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 82501, 147900, -3472 => 82683, 147928, -3467
    [GS] selecting target object id: 268455737, loc: 84691, 146474, -3408, target:
    [GS] Player: DcC, location 83057, 148089, -3440 => 82756, 147982, -3472
    [GS] selecting target object id: 268730318, loc: 83218, 148024, -3416, target:M1stirio7
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 3
    [GS] Player: Oregom, location 84819, 146473, -3408 => 85696, 146464, -3408
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 3
    [GS] Player: DcC, location 82852, 148016, -3472 => 82088, 147826, -3473
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 3
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 82660, 147925, -3472 => 82849, 148001, -3467
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player: DcC, location 82737, 147987, -3472 => 82093, 147806, -3473
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 82757, 147964, -3471 => 83007, 148056, -3472
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player: Drack, location 83286, 148459, -3408 => 83374, 148058, -3403
    [GS] Player: DcC, location 82528, 147928, -3472 => 82096, 147784, -3473
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player: PsPower, location 82529, 149095, -3345 => 82830, 148837, -3472
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player: NeXo, location 82638, 148619, -3472 => 82745, 148439, -3472
    [GS] Player: Drack, location 83349, 148168, -3406 => 83292, 147957, -3416
    [GS] selecting target object id: 270104288, loc: 83248, 149297, -3409, target:Leya
    [GS] selecting target object id: 268476373, loc: 83248, 149297, -3409, target:
    [GS] Player: PsPower, location 82641, 148998, -3385 => 8[GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 83027, 148094, -3467 => 83186, 148179, -3424
    [GS] Using Skill at target object id: 270104288, target:Leya
    [GS] Player: SpreadTheLove, location 83448, 147988, -3399 => 83307, 148168, -3416
    [GS] Player: DcC, location 82172, 147809, -3472 => 81909, 147802, -3473
    [GS] Player: NeXo, location 82703, 148508, -3472 => 82725, 148437, -3472
    [GS] Player: PsPower, location 82709, 148938, -3472 => 83116, 148617, -3464
    [GS] selecting target object id: 268477027, loc: 83303, 147999, -3416, target:
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 83115, 148141, -3457 => 83216, 148224, -3416
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: Bow, Social Id: 7
    [GS] Player: DcC, location 81903, 147858, -3472 => 81526, 148064, -3473
    [GS] Player: AlrightJAVservgo, location 83211, 148220, -3418 => 83223, 148266, -3416
    [GS] Player: PsPower, location 82868, 148812, -3472 => 83193, 148613, -3424
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 3
    [GS] Player: DcC, location 81781, 147924, -3472 => 81266, 148263, -3473
    [GS] Player: PsPower, location 82934, 148771, -3462 => 83251, 148525, -3416
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 3
    [GS] Player:  is using a social action: , Social Id: 2
    [GS] Player: DcC, location 81682, 147988, -3472 => 80958, 148455, -3473


    Encryption log:

    [GS] Encryption key: E6-7B-1A-2E-86-88-00-1C-C8-27-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] Encryption key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-C8-27-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] encrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-F7-27-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-21-29-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] encrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-0A-28-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-24-29-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-07-2A-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] encrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-0D-28-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-B0-2C-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] encrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-10-28-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-55-2D-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] encrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-13-28-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] encrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-7C-28-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-27-30-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-32-30-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-3A-30-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-61-32-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-68-32-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-79-32-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-88-32-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-DD-32-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-D8-35-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-EB-35-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-FA-35-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-85-36-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-4F-37-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-19-38-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-E3-38-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-AD-39-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-77-3A-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-41-3B-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-0B-3C-93-01-A1-6C-31-97
    [GS] decrypt key: 7E-EF-B4-7D-71-80-11-63-D5-3C-93-01-A1-6C-31-97


    Breakpointing the Keypacket:



    video preview:


  9. Created a Virtual File System, With this system we are able to read files without touching the harddrive

    Added a RespawnDelay for the mobs

    Created packet: Force Attack, We are able to attack anything we want

    Updated the HtmlMessage packet, It will be using the VirtualFileSystem for massive speed

    Updated L2World

  10. We can finally make some quests...

    Updated BypassHandler, DropIte, HtmlMessage, NpcInfo packets

    Added PlaySound packet

    Created L2Quest

    Updated L2Status (players/npc's)

    Updated the ScriptEngine/Formulas/Logger

    Created a new desire_Die, this is for atm for mobs/npc's that would die and respawn

    Fixed the select target at mobs, we can see now ther current hp

    Updated PlayerAI, Desire_Idle, Desire_Interact

  11. the l2c-emu source code is back at the svn


    created new item: Wolf Collar

    We are now able to spawn our pets using the wolf collar

    We can able summon some cubics using summon cubic skills

    Fixed the inventory bug when trying to equip adena, spirit ore etc...

    We can kill mobs, getting exp/sp

    Fixed, added lots of stuff u just gotta see the video or the source code


    Video with the new updates:


  12. ok so... i've been thinking about some stuff and l2c, and thinking about putting it back up lol

    Some projects about l2c i was making will not be uploaded since they were written in native C++

    only the .dll's will be uploaded but not the source code


    Oh well some new update from today... we can summon cubics ;)


    Current features GameServer:

    Run around

    use skills

    kill mobs

    get exp/sp from mobs

    mobs are controlled by the AI

    we can now summon some cubics

    cubics are having ther own AI

    we can select target

    equip armor, weapons etc

    talk ingame

    using 21 different GameMaster commands ingame (full protection against cheaters)

    the AI is able to handle 20k mobs in the same spot using 0-5% cpu usage

    no real big bugs at the moment...

  13. even its not public anymore, i would like to see the updates here :)

    the new updates are...

    getting exp/sp from mobs

    using some skills (its also checking for range, mp... etc)

    AI is having now even better performance its able to handle 20k rabbits at the same time with 0 till 1% cpu usage

    created some new commands for GM's... just for skills (//nomana, //noreusedelay, //nocooldown)

    fixed some region bugs while moving to another region

    The packet encryption for the gameserver is now written in C++

    and some other stuff :P


    but ye, it's true its not opensource anymore i was working now on it for like 2-3 months i was thinking now... wth am i doing why im not selling this stuff

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