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Everything posted by Skyblade

  1. Tried to be GM, and help people with their servers. But well, eh. Let's put it this way : if you're Gm you're some one's assistant. And you do all the black job, while they want the cookies you earn. Cant do this any more, not even cool, or fun. So, after reading helluva lot of stuff, we back on tracks. new website, new images, new ideas. www.hellsing.zxq.net All the needed info is there, waiting for decent people to join in! Skype : Star.hunters E-mail : idiotaz@gmail.com
  2. Dark Elf blace dancer - Savior Then, a kamael Slasher, on raid fight. But that was so, so long ago...
  3. Thanks Andromix! Very cool stuff you shared here!
  4. What color you'd suggest? any suggestions on template i'm working on?
  5. Well, as i was spamming around the forums lately with my not-so-good-looking images, i'ma going to try get myself better. Well at least i hope i am getting better at this, so bare with me, and rate, flame, or help with tips.
  6. Well, started a week ago. P.S: Thanks for the link!
  7. Well, MrRees, since when monsters are pretty and happy?
  8. We have played many servers, really. But recently i'm making myself more useful and helping to promote servers with what ever i have : )) Have you ever seen us ?
  9. Working on! what you guys think about this one : Or this one? i cant decide! Come on, tell me which should i chose, and why
  10. I really need that one, if any one know the name, let me know.
  11. OKay pro-photoshopers. Time to prove you're one. http://i56.tinypic.com/sqp06a.png What Font is that?
  12. How the hell you managed to do that? Man, you gotta share this, how you did that? I was up all night to figure out something.
  13. Well, yeah. it do look cool. I meant awesome. Sir.
  14. Well, i still think the 3th one looks pretty cool to me. I mean we all got our tastes, don't we? ;)
  15. Well, can't do that, in this case, i won't learn anything. And i think i'm sticking with the 3th one. Looks not as "pro" but heh, i'm not one. :) Thanks for your comments.
  16. Very nice job there Mag! But problem is, in this team every one know a lot of about the game and developing, but no-one's good to do any media. So i'm trying my best. With my VERY limited knowledge of Photoshop, i'm not getting any money or anything this short for the job i do, so i really would like to learn more, and since you guys better at this than i am, share the word, and tell me how to - in pro way. ( i did google it.) What about this? i could add some monsters from lineage 2, and negate em, would that look better? i mean at both sides, or it just would trash the screen?
  17. Okay, seems you know about this stuff, then what about this one ?
  18. Well, i was messing with photoshop for the server i'm Gm'n, so tell me guys whats good and whats wrong or what could make this look better.
  19. Oh, i'm sorry. Seen some posts that people here look for Developers etc. Thank you. If there's any mod could you please move it to the right selection? Apologies for any inconvenience if i had made.
  20. I'm not looking for developer position, i still need much to learn. And i cant host. I want to be a supportive Gm, that could make the server spin as Dev's intented to. And i'm not asking for money.
  21. Well hello and thanks for looking. I'm Darius, i'm 22 years old, i'm mature and friendly. Thought i do like to fool around and have good laugh once a while. I've been know trough the servers with names like Slasher, Skyblade, SaviOr, Goemon. I'm know for Hellsing clan leadership, which was all good. But as we were hopping trough the servers, i've noticed how Lineage 2 community lacks of decent, and objective GM/Developers. So there i am, offering you my time, to make your server, your community better. How can i help you ? * I've got enough of experience to be able determine problem and solve buggs on my own, as well as see trough the reports, and see the problem, and report to devs what's exactly wrong. * I'm able to handle problems on my own. I've got huge knowledge about ITC and computer Hardware/software. * I'm able to host creative and balanced Events for community, as well as making farming zones on my own, without messing up servers economics. * I have VERY good knowledge about in-game mechanics, starting from skills, finishing with in-game buggs/effects. * I know well 3 languages : English, Russian, Lithuanian, and bit of German. * I've have Photoshop/Paint skills/trailer making. I've pretty much done every media on Hellsing clans forums/signatures. Made some crests. * I'm dedicated - i can learn things very fast, and make them work. What i'm looking for? That's a tricky question really. All i need is a decent project, which team that understands how the game works, and understand the needs of community. I really don't want to be part of some home-made server which will die and i will not be able to get any trusted position anywhere. I've done with lineage 2, cause i had experienced anything i wanted to. (once we beat Baium only with C grade weapons). All i ask is at least 200 online people, that i could make their lifes easier, and funnier. So if you want to hire me as a team member, let me know. I think i would be a great bonus to your team, as well as your community and server. If you think, you need me, contact me here : Skype : Star.hunters (Dariu5 is the name) E-mail : idiotaz@gmail.com Additional info : www.excoboard.com/hellsing - Hellsing clan page.
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