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About deoll

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  1. wts on l2elixir: 1)78lvl Shilien Templar(me skills 79) Nobless Subs: Saggitarius 77lvl(me skills 78),Bladedancer 60lvl 2)Draconic Bow Focus+3 3)Forgotten Blade Focus +Agument Refresher 4)Imperial Crusader Heavy Set+3 5)Darklegion*Tallum Blade(dual S) 6)Majestic Heavy Set 7)Μajestic Light Set 8)Ant Queen Ring +5 9)Tatetosian Set Lothor1989@hotmail.com
  2. prepei na breis ta arxeia gia to kathe 1 apo ayto pou xreiazese(gmshop,buffer,teleport) kai oxi to id tous kane 1 search kai dialekse opion sou aresei :)
  3. edw einai to event me ta mendals balto mesa sto gameserver/data/scripts kai tha eisai ok http://rapidshare.com/files/121722248/medal_event.rar.html oso gia ton npc prepei na kaneis esi :)
  4. i test it .. it's very good but i has a problem with epic dark knight robe hat/boots. just not exist.. all other are ok only this 2 has problem :( any1 know something? Soz for my english...
  5. ta clan halls pou einai me "siege" einai 6.fortress of resistanse,bandit stronghold,devastated castle,rainbow springs chateau,wild beast reserve,forest of the dead(gia na deis pou einai to kathena pigene ingame sto map ---> world info ---> region info kai psakse gia type clan hall).ayta gia na ta pareis prepei na diloseis simetoxi san attack opos akribos kaneis kai me ta kanonika castle. oi NPC pou diloneis einai konta sto kathe ena (opos sta castle ta kanonika).
  6. re c thelei pass gia to extract
  7. ti provlima akrivos exeis? dn mporoun na sindethoun oi alloi pano sou?
  8. se emena doulepse alla dn einai toso simantiko gt exei ta tp kai tis 2 bdomades opote ama eisai dilomenos exeis panta tp :)
  9. emena mou exei tixei arketes fores na fao dc otan pataw to village kai ontos bgeno me 0 hp kai exo parei to exp mou piso... alla eimai sto xorio:/
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