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⋨ ƒerb ⋩

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Posts posted by ⋨ ƒerb ⋩

  1. Maybe they can help you.

    thanks i'll check :)

    explain better what kind of team you want to do


    a team that mostly be payed to work for client modding?and only for L2 or generally?

    my project will not even be working on LineageII it is so yesterday :P

    i want to make a new game, MMOFPS : Wolfteam Crossfire like..

    and not.. i'm not searching for payed team.. i'm looking for people who volunteer . . 

    and i thing i said that i said earlier that i dont want pro-like or pros in my team just for show-up if pros come to me they will come because they can support the project.

    anywayz thank you chandy and finito i think you should understand right about now :)

  2. Hello MxCers,

          after a lot of months of innactivity i decided to start my own project (yeah i'm the "Stranger").

    After a lot of ideas stolen by people near me (best friends, teamm8s,etc) i decided to make a "Under Construction" project by my self to keep it only around me.

    I found out, the hard way, that I can't do it alone. I need, not really developers, but just UDK ( Unreal Development Kit a.k.a Unreal Engine ) users to help me out.

    If ANYONE is interested to help me out can contact me at k.blade@live.com .

    This project is remaining secret till the first BETA RELEASE.

    The parts of the team will be: a client moderator for the invironment of the game ( creating buildings, invironment, etc ) a client moderator for the weapons, icons , armors & charactes.

    Other parts are sound, website, special features & source code of project moderators.

    As you see there are parts for many team members that still are empty, these will be filled with members that I and a very close friend of mine will test ( testing to trust, and not abilities). Many parts for many people add me in my msn for more info. Yours, ferb - [PiN]BabisGr*

  3. You know about privacy right?

    that's why i never reveal my real name..

    you know.. phone pranks e-mail junks by strangers..

    advertisements.. that's what i hate.. i prefer my privacy than giving my personal information in open audience..

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