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Posts posted by BmXaC

  1. 16 hours ago, Nightw0lf said:

    :serious:έχουμε 2020 πλέων, σταμάτησα να περιμένω :sad:

    περιμενα το 2020 για να το ανεβασω :smile:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <project name="L2Jbmxac-Core" default="dist" basedir=".">
        <property name="src" location="java"/>
        <property name="lib" location="lib"/>
    	<property file="build_config.properties"/>
    	<property name="build" location="${build_folder}"/>
        <property name="build.classes" location="${build}/classes"/>
        <property name="build.dist" location="${build}/dist"/>
    	<property name="build.dist.login" location="${build.dist}/loginserver"/>
    	<property name="build.dist.login.lib" location="${build.dist.login}/lib"/>
    	<property name="build.dist.game" location="${build.dist}/gameserver"/>
    	<property name="build.dist.game.lib" location="${build.dist.game}/lib"/>
        <path id="classpath">
            <fileset dir="${lib}">
            	<include name="*.jar" />
        <target name="init"
        	description="Create the output directories.">
            <mkdir dir="${build}"/>
            <mkdir dir="${build.classes}"/>
            <mkdir dir="${build.dist}" />
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.login}" />
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.login.lib}" />
    		<mkdir dir="${build.dist.game}" />
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.game.lib}" />
    	<target name="compile"
                description="Compile the source.">
            <javac destdir="${build.classes}"
                <src path="${src}"/>
                <classpath refid="classpath"/>   
        <target name="jar"
                description="Create the jar file">
            <jar destfile="${build}/l2jbmxac-core.jar">
                <fileset dir="${build.classes}"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.login.lib}">
                <fileset dir="${build}">
                    <include name="l2jbmxac-core.jar"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.game.lib}">
                <fileset dir="${build}">
                    <include name="l2jbmxac-core.jar"/>
        <target name="compile.gcj"
                description="Build machine executable binary">  
            <exec dir="." executable="gcj" failifexecutionfails="false" os="linux:Linux:freebsd:FreeBSD" >
                <arg line="-O3 ${build.dist}/l2jbmxac-core.jar  -o ${build.dist}/l2jbmxac-core --main=com.l2scoria.Server"/>
        <target name="dist" depends="jar">
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.game.lib}">
    			<fileset dir="${src}/../lib">
    				<include name="*.jar"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.login.lib}">
    			<fileset dir="${src}/../lib">
    				<include name="c3p0-"/>
    				<include name="commons-logging-1.1.jar"/>
    				<include name="commons-lang-2.1.jar"/>
    				<include name="mysql-connector-java-5.1.8-bin.jar"/>
    				<include name="javolution.jar"/>
    				<include name="l2scoria-mmocore-2.jar"/>
    	        	<include name="xmlrpc-common-3.1.2.jar"/>
    	        	<include name="xmlrpc-server-3.1.2.jar"/>
    	        	<include name="ws-commons-util-1.0.2.jar"/>
    				<include name="commons-logging-1.1.jar"/>
            <copy todir="${build.dist.login}">
                <fileset dir="dist">
                    <include name="LoginServer_loop.sh"/>
                    <include name="startLoginServer.*"/>
                	<include name="L2AuthD.bat"/>
                	<include name="setlog.*"/>
    				<include name="anti_ddos.*"/>
                	<include name="RegisterGameServer.*"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.game}">
                <fileset dir="dist">
                    <include name="GameServer_loop.sh"/>
                    <include name="startGameServer.*"/>
                	<include name="L2Server.bat"/> 
                	<include name="hibernate.cfg.xml"/>
                	<include name="setgame.*"/>
                	<include name="startBackup.*"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist}">
        	    <fileset dir="dist">
        	         <include name="Start_GameServer_noScreen.sh"/>
        	         <include name="Start_LoginServer_noScreen.sh"/>
        	         <include name="Start_GeoServer_noScreen.sh"/>
    		<fixcrlf 	srcdir="${build.dist.game}"
        	<fixcrlf 	srcdir="${build.dist.login}"
    		<fixcrlf 	srcdir="${build.dist.game}"
        	<fixcrlf 	srcdir="${build.dist.login}"
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.game}/log" />
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.login}/log" />
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.login}/config" />
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.login}/config/Network" />
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.login}/config/Protection" />
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.login}/config/Standard" />
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.game}/config/Protection" />
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.game}/config/General" />
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.game}/config/Functions" />
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.game}/config/Standard/Powerpak" />
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.game}/config/Standard/Powerpak/Webservices" />
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.game}/config/Network" />
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.game}/config/Fun" />
            <mkdir dir="${build.dist.game}/data" />
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.game}/data/csv"/>
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.game}/data/sts"/>
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.game}/data/scripts"/>
        	<mkdir dir="${build.dist.game}/data/scripts/task"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.game}/config">
    			<fileset dir="config">
    				<include name="*.properties"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.game}/config/Protection">
    			<fileset dir="config/Protection">
    				<include name="*.*"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.game}/config/Functions">
        		<fileset dir="config/Functions">
        			<include name="*.*"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.game}/config/General">
        		<fileset dir="config/General">
        			<include name="*.*"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.game}/config/Standard">
        		<fileset dir="config/Standard">
        			<include name="*.*"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.game}/config/Standard/Powerpak">
        		<fileset dir="config/Standard/Powerpak">
        			<include name="*.*"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.game}/config/Standard/Powerpak/Webservices">
        	    <fileset dir="config/Standard/Powerpak/Webservices">
        	    	<include name="*.*"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.game}/config/bmxac">
        	    <fileset dir="config/bmxac">
        	    	<include name="*.*"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.game}/config/Fun">
        		<fileset dir="config/Fun">
        			<include name="*.*"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.game}/config/Network">
        		<fileset dir="config/Network">
        	 		<include name="Gameserver.ini"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.login}/config">
    			<fileset dir="config">
    				<include name="telnet.properties"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.login}/config/Protection">
        		<fileset dir="config/Protection">
        			<include name="MMOCore.ini"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.login}/config/Network">
        		<fileset dir="config/Network">
        			<include name="Loginserver.ini"/>
        			<include name="banned_ip.cfg"/>
        			<include name="banned_ip.xml"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.login}/config/Standard">
        		<fileset dir="config/Standard">
        			<include name="Log.cfg"/>
        			<include name="Console.cfg"/>
        			<include name="Servername.xml"/>
            <copy todir="${build.dist.game}/data">
                <fileset dir="data">
                	<include name="*.txt"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.game}/data/csv">
        		<fileset dir="data/csv">
        	    	<include name="*.csv"/>
        	<copy todir="${build.dist.game}/data/sts">
        		<fileset dir="data/sts">
        	    	<include name="*.sts"/>
        			<include name="*.txt"/>
            <delete dir="${build.classes}"/>
        	<delete file="${build}/l2jbmxac-core.jar"/>
    	<target name="version" depends="init" description="Create l2jbmxac-server.properties file"> 
    			<format property="build.tstamp" pattern="dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss aa"/>
        <target name="clean" description="Remove the output directories">
            <delete dir="${build}"/>


  2. 7 hours ago, Kara` said:


    Ειναι για να μπορεις να κανεις σεξ ελευθερα χωρις να φοβασαι οτι θα γκαστρωθει η αλλη. Την ωρα που αρχιζετε ενεργοποιεις το subversion και αυτοματα εχεις sperm-protection.


    [Ontopic] Υπαρχουν ακριβως 37,760.23 guides που μπορεις να διαβασεις τι ειναι αυτα, πως γινεται η εγκατασταση αλλα προφανως εισαι ο τυπικος Ελληνας που βαριεται και θελει να ανοιξει σερβερ για να "παιξει με τη παρεα του μονο", οπως λενε το 99% των Ελληνων που 2 μηνες μετα ανοιγουν frozen ή mythras. [/Ontopic]

    κανεις λαθος απλα δεν βρηκα κατι σωστο ωστε να καταλαβω φιλε μου αλλιως δεν θα ρωτουσα.

    2 hours ago, Nightw0lf said:

    κάνε ποστ το κώδικα απο το build.xml να στο φτιάξω για να φύγει το έρρορ απο το version

    κάνε με tag για να απαντήσω

    αν μπορεσεις θα σου ημουν ευγνωμων

        [javac] C:\Workspace bmxac\L2Jbmxac-Core\build.xml:47: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
        [javac] Compiling 1443 source files to C:\Workspace bmxac\L2Jbmxac-Build\classes
        [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5
        [javac] warning: [options] source value 1.5 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
        [javac] warning: [options] target value 1.5 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
        [javac] warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
        [javac] C:\Workspace bmxac\L2Jbmxac-Core\java\com\l2jfrozen\logs\FileLogFormatter.java:42: warning: '_' used as an identifier
        [javac] 	private static final String _ = "\t";
        [javac] 	                            ^
        [javac]   (use of '_' as an identifier might not be supported in releases after Java SE 8)
        [javac] C:\Workspace bmxac\L2Jbmxac-Core\java\com\l2jfrozen\logs\FileLogFormatter.java:50: warning: '_' used as an identifier
        [javac] 		return output.append(dateFmt.format(new Date(record.getMillis()))).append(_).append(record.getLevel().getName()).append(_).append(record.getThreadID()).append(_).append(record.getLoggerName()).append(_).append(record.getMessage()).append(CRLF).toString();
        [javac] 		                                                                          ^
        [javac]   (use of '_' as an identifier might not be supported in releases after Java SE 8)
        [javac] C:\Workspace bmxac\L2Jbmxac-Core\java\com\l2jfrozen\logs\FileLogFormatter.java:50: warning: '_' used as an identifier
        [javac] 		return output.append(dateFmt.format(new Date(record.getMillis()))).append(_).append(record.getLevel().getName()).append(_).append(record.getThreadID()).append(_).append(record.getLoggerName()).append(_).append(record.getMessage()).append(CRLF).toString();
        [javac] 		                                                                                                                        ^
        [javac]   (use of '_' as an identifier might not be supported in releases after Java SE 8)
        [javac] C:\Workspace bmxac\L2Jbmxac-Core\java\com\l2jfrozen\logs\FileLogFormatter.java:50: warning: '_' used as an identifier
        [javac] 		return output.append(dateFmt.format(new Date(record.getMillis()))).append(_).append(record.getLevel().getName()).append(_).append(record.getThreadID()).append(_).append(record.getLoggerName()).append(_).append(record.getMessage()).append(CRLF).toString();
        [javac] 		                                                                                                                                                               ^
        [javac]   (use of '_' as an identifier might not be supported in releases after Java SE 8)
        [javac] C:\Workspace bmxac\L2Jbmxac-Core\java\com\l2jfrozen\logs\FileLogFormatter.java:50: warning: '_' used as an identifier
        [javac] 		return output.append(dateFmt.format(new Date(record.getMillis()))).append(_).append(record.getLevel().getName()).append(_).append(record.getThreadID()).append(_).append(record.getLoggerName()).append(_).append(record.getMessage()).append(CRLF).toString();
        [javac] 		                                                                                                                                                                                                        ^
        [javac]   (use of '_' as an identifier might not be supported in releases after Java SE 8)
        [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
        [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
        [javac] 9 warnings


  3. Καλησπέρα στην ομάδα, λοιπόν να μπω αμέσως στο θέμα έχω ένα Pack L2JFrozen μαζί με τα Source τα έχω βάλει μέσα στο eclipse.

    Αλλα βλέπω λένε διάφορα για "svn" και τα source μου μέσα έχουν και ένα "svnVerison" τι είναι αυτό σε τι χρησιμεύει το χρειάζομαι για κάπου;
    και η επομένη ερώτηση είναι για το subclipse τι είναι τι κάνει και αν το χρειάζομαι! 

    ευχαριστώ εκ των πρότερων!

  4. 15 hours ago, SweeTs said:

    You must have JDK installed and set as an compiler.

    Prefereneces - Java - Installer JREs - add new standard VM, point it to jdk - select it, apply and close.

    i think all is okay with that now i get this..

        [javac] C:\Workspace bmxac\L2Jbmxac-Core\build.xml:47: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds
        [javac] Compiling 1443 source files to C:\Workspace bmxac\L2Jbmxac-Build\classes
        [javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.5
        [javac] warning: [options] source value 1.5 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
        [javac] warning: [options] target value 1.5 is obsolete and will be removed in a future release
        [javac] warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete options, use -Xlint:-options.
        [javac] C:\Workspace bmxac\L2Jbmxac-Core\java\com\l2jfrozen\logs\FileLogFormatter.java:42: warning: '_' used as an identifier
        [javac] 	private static final String _ = "\t";
        [javac] 	                            ^
        [javac]   (use of '_' as an identifier might not be supported in releases after Java SE 8)
        [javac] C:\Workspace bmxac\L2Jbmxac-Core\java\com\l2jfrozen\logs\FileLogFormatter.java:50: warning: '_' used as an identifier
        [javac] 		return output.append(dateFmt.format(new Date(record.getMillis()))).append(_).append(record.getLevel().getName()).append(_).append(record.getThreadID()).append(_).append(record.getLoggerName()).append(_).append(record.getMessage()).append(CRLF).toString();
        [javac] 		                                                                          ^
        [javac]   (use of '_' as an identifier might not be supported in releases after Java SE 8)
        [javac] C:\Workspace bmxac\L2Jbmxac-Core\java\com\l2jfrozen\logs\FileLogFormatter.java:50: warning: '_' used as an identifier
        [javac] 		return output.append(dateFmt.format(new Date(record.getMillis()))).append(_).append(record.getLevel().getName()).append(_).append(record.getThreadID()).append(_).append(record.getLoggerName()).append(_).append(record.getMessage()).append(CRLF).toString();
        [javac] 		                                                                                                                        ^
        [javac]   (use of '_' as an identifier might not be supported in releases after Java SE 8)
        [javac] C:\Workspace bmxac\L2Jbmxac-Core\java\com\l2jfrozen\logs\FileLogFormatter.java:50: warning: '_' used as an identifier
        [javac] 		return output.append(dateFmt.format(new Date(record.getMillis()))).append(_).append(record.getLevel().getName()).append(_).append(record.getThreadID()).append(_).append(record.getLoggerName()).append(_).append(record.getMessage()).append(CRLF).toString();
        [javac] 		                                                                                                                                                               ^
        [javac]   (use of '_' as an identifier might not be supported in releases after Java SE 8)
        [javac] C:\Workspace bmxac\L2Jbmxac-Core\java\com\l2jfrozen\logs\FileLogFormatter.java:50: warning: '_' used as an identifier
        [javac] 		return output.append(dateFmt.format(new Date(record.getMillis()))).append(_).append(record.getLevel().getName()).append(_).append(record.getThreadID()).append(_).append(record.getLoggerName()).append(_).append(record.getMessage()).append(CRLF).toString();
        [javac] 		                                                                                                                                                                                                        ^
        [javac]   (use of '_' as an identifier might not be supported in releases after Java SE 8)
        [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
        [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
        [javac] 9 warnings


  5. Hello again my friends that time i have this problem can anyone solve what i must do?


        [javac] C:\Workspace Bmxc\L2Jbmxc-Core\build.xml:47: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds

    C:\Workspace Bmxc \L2Jbmxc-Core\build.xml:47: Unable to find a javac compiler;
    com.sun.tools.javac.Main is not on the classpath.
    Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK.
    It is currently set to "C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_231"

  6. 6 hours ago, SweeTs said:

    If it's core, java change - then yes. You have to compile it and ONLY update your l2jserver.jar


    If it's datapack change, then you ONLY copy the modified file.

    okay, you mean that if i change something in core/gameserver i must compile and copy only l2jserver.jar
    and if i change something at datapack i take only the one file that i change right?

  7. On 12/24/2019 at 10:56 AM, Tryskell said:

    If you successfully pass the account creation and goes on character creation panel : check logs for errors, compare revision with changesets (even if I don't have memory of such a problem), drop your security (lameguard or any sort of external guard) and/or change of client.


    If you use W10, you need a w10 fix for IL client (I think it's fixed on latest W10 versions, but it was running for a long time).

    Thanks for the answer i solved my problem it was from the cleint the system!

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