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Immortal Dev. TM

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About Immortal Dev. TM

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    Somewhere i Belong
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    ~Immortal Dev. TM~ *Freak*

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. If he wants to keep the default Name of the npc as it is yeah he can leave it '0'....but if he wants to change the name he has to put '1' in the value...... So why u post just to take the Adenas???Anyways nothin was wrong in the post!!!!!
  2. INSERT INTO `npc` VALUES ('555', '32138', 'HighOne', '1', '', '1', 'LineageNPC2.K_kekrops', '18.00', '28.00', '70', 'male', 'L2Npc', '40', '3862', '1494', '0.00', '0.00', '40', '43', '30', '21', '20', '20', '0', '0', '1303', '471', '607', '382', '253', '0', '333', '0', '0', '0', '0', '30', '132', '0', '0', 'LAST_HIT', 'false'); okay try that code and tell me if it works....it seems like u already has an npc with id '11'...so i changed the id...Ahh and when u put custom npcs in ur server u gotta use '1' in both serversidename and serversidetitle....The empty value is the npc's title,over there u can add whatever ya want btw i named the npc HighOne u can change it as well..I fixed something else as well the template id you use is the template id of Kekropus soo u have to use Kekropus's Collision_radious & Collision_height and its class(LineageNPC2.K_kekrops)...otherwise the npc will appear in or above the ground.....After that go to gameserver/data/html/teleporter and rename the previous html of the gk to 555.htm chats as well (555-1.htm) etc.... That is the `npc` table...if ya want to add a gatekeeper u have to add values at the `teleport` table as well.... That's all...if ya find any difficulty in adding the teleports let us know.....
  3. okay i am here to help u....type down the error codes so we can see where is the problem.......
  4. Well there are a lot of posts about gatekeepers and buffers u just have to search...it is better than giving ya something that u don't like....Almost every post has Screenshots so i am sure u'll find something that u really like.......
  5. Ontws auto ginetai oute egw exw dei kati diaforetiko an kapoios 3erei kapoio code as to share mporei na einai xrisimo!
  6. se oti thes help kane m ena pm...eimai vevaia se diakopes alla p k pou vlepw to mxc...opote oti thes steile m k otan to dw tha s pw....!vevaia yparxoun k guides p lene pws na ftia3eis ena npc pws na to kaneis edit ktlp ktlp.... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=33620.0 einai ena kalo guide gia na deis pws vazeis npc k pws ta kaneis edit!!!
  7. dokimase to k pes mas an einai auto..alliws tha einai to character.java!
  8. kane ena c/p to kwdika sto character.java!na doume ti exei ginei lathos!
  9. otidipote kleidwnei sto navicat kai den thimase to pass prepei na mpeis sto site kai na pareis ticket apo to support center tous.....opote mexri na perimeneis na s apantisoun einai kalitera na ta kaneis ola apo tin arxi.....etsi k alliws afou den eixes prosvasi stin database den exeis na xaseis k tpt!!!
  10. i ta kaneis ola apo tin arxi i mpaineis sto site t navicat k zitas help sto support center k perimeneis.....alla gt evales pass sto navicat???eides pouthena sto guide na s deixnei na valleis pass???kanta pali ola apo tin arxi!!!!einai pio eukolo apo to na perimeneis to help apo to support center!!!!
  11. Sygnwmi p postarw pali alla nomiza oti ola tha pane kala telika den pigaine sto default alla sto adventurer_guildsman ola ok...twra kanw spawn to npc k m leei pws to html leipei.... o kwdikas einai <html><center><title>Place Information</title><center> <center> <body> <img src="L2Font-e.mini_logo-e" width=250 height=95> <font color="009900">Here Are Information<br>About That Custom Area!!!</font> <img src="L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco" width=256 height=32><br> <font color="009900">______________________</font></font> <td><button value="About The Mobs" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 1" width=203 height=35 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df"></td> <font color="009900">______________________</font> <img src="L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco" width=256 height=32> <br> </body> </center> </html> kai to chat 1 einai auto.... <html><center><title>About The Mobs</title><center> <center> <body> <img src="L2Font-e.mini_logo-e" width=250 height=95> <img src="L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco" width=256 height=32><br> <font color="009900">______________________</font></font> Mobs Here Are Extremely Dangerous!!Although If you have the proper party you can farm over here easily<br> <img src="L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco" width=256 height=32><br> <font color="009900">______________________</font></font> <td><button value="Back" action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Chat 0" width=203 height=35 back="L2UI_ct1.button_df" fore="L2UI_ct1.button_df"></td> <br> </body> </center> </html> k mia erwtisi otan ftiaxneis to chat 1 k tou dineis px to onoma 36600-1,to symvolo dipla sto arxiko html einai pavla h meion? i den paizei simasia.... Edit:Prospathisa k exthes na ftiaksw ena npc eftiaksa to .sql to perasa ola kala eftiaksa to .html k auto kanonika ....pali m evgaze to idio error...mipws ftaiei to client?den 3erw ti allo na ypothesw.. :( opoiodipote allo vazw etoimo npc pou to pairnw apo dw (mxc) mou leitourgei kanonika.....otan paw na ftia3w ena npc san auto to etoimo m vgazei error...enw to html t einai akrivws idio me to allo....apla allazw to onoma tou .html kai vazw kainourgio npc stin vasi! [Lock Request] Problem Solved.... Sorry gia to double post!
  12. Na sai kala .....Eyxaristw poli..... [Lock Request]
  13. Einai L2NPC kai to class einai san auto ton Adventurer guildsman...... 36601 31806 Phoenix 1 Place Infos 1 LineageNPC.a_common_people_MElf 20 38 90 female L2Npc 40 10000 10000 0 0 40 43 30 21 20 20 0 0 1303 471 607 382 253 0 333 0 0 0 0 64 120 1 0 LAST_HIT false
  14. Kalispera paides exw ftia3ei ena information npc gia ena Special Farming zone....Den 3erw omws p na valw to html tou!Tha ithela ligo help!!! eyxaristw!!!
  15. kati den einai swsto sto code.....den m leitourgei i gk... :( EDIT:Kala koitaei kaneis an leitourgei o kwdikas i apla postarete kali douleia ktlp ktlp? Ti kali douleia an den leitourgei o kwdikas....twra p to koitaw kai ta .sql einai psilo lathos...se kathe value thelei ' '...gia na mporesei na ta valei stin vasi to navicat....
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