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About demodar

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  2. only the last list is active other offers are out :P Necromancer char is still unsold only his items Offers in cash are accepted too TOTAL WORTH OF ALL ITEMS LEFT IS AROUND 20KKK SERVER THAT I NEED ITEMS ON AND TRADE IS GANG
  3. New list Icarus fists - destruction foundation Heavy set +2 essence force master Dynasty ring x2 tatoesian neckless x1 phoenix earing 2x Shirt +5 Some adena aroun 2-3kkk foundation sigil
  4. List is changed to Dynasty foundation helmet robe Dynasty robe upper 2 essence Dynasty stockings dynasty gloves Icarus fists no sa Icarus sawsword +4 150 dark sa focus icarus hall +4 acumen beleth ring tateo necless dynasty ring arcane sigil foundation Necromancer char 85 3 certificates +14 death spike +9 vampiric claws +28 fear +13 doom +11 arcane power I CAN SELL EVERYTHING ON LIST 1 BY 1 ITS NOT A PACK SELLING You can send your offers on mcenak@abv.bg or post them here
  5. Necromanser 85 all certs IC hall foundation +4 Dynasty helm foundation Dynasty upper essense 2 +4 dynasty lower normal +4 dynasty gloves normal +4 dynasty boots foundation +4 Ring of beleth dynasty ring tateo neck a grade earings Shirts +5 1kkk adena offering to add 85 lvl spoiler Fear +28 doom +13 arcane power +10 For adena,items or charactres could be all in 1 :D MSG me here on post or pm in forum I dont want much dont worry :P
  6. any video of future dual castling or 2 hands casting or whatever its called?
  7. i suggest that we stop commenting balance here , afther all its not the place for such comments , maybe there is some topic about that or make one :P
  8. hardcore donators...yeah thats it unbalanced server... i hope its not what ppls are looking for today
  9. do you know how narcistic that sounded? i bet there are smarter kids then you. + everyone has his right to chooce and your opinion and logic are not supreme
  10. well thats something bad... they should get some , because at this rate we will fall behind with 6-7 updates :(
  11. well they should fire the NA developer team and get koreans because they will keep falling behind ... koreans FTW http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:Wgxun-sxtKcJ:forum.swiatgier.eu/strefa-gier-12/mmorpg-3d-297/lineage-2-20/32174-lineage-2-high-five.html%3Flanguage%3Den+l2+high+five&cd=6&hl=bg&ct=clnk&gl=bg thats for high five personaly i really liked new olympiad arenas , but didn't like that you can buy so many items with hero points
  12. First i want to say sorry for this EPIC POST "want some reasons why none gives an answer ? -broken english -i read and and understood nothing -who will find a server just to duel you -even if he finds and he has ++ skills that , he will make new char just for you? -he will give time just to prove you something obvious -who cares that do you think -i explained you about your arguements on my posts before -go tell your opinion about il > gracia on official forums of l2 and they will laugh their asses seriously now. 1 yes its not perfect... 2 maybe you are too dumb... 3 the one who is not empty words like you... 4 i doubt it takes more then 30 secs to make new char and more then 5 to fully equip it with some set for the pvp s-vesper 5 obvius in your dreams look like you never played a epilogue/gracia final server 6 who cares what you think???? 7 I'm mage lover and personaly for in interlude wasnt so hard to kill archer/dagger (well for players without skills in mage class maybe is...).Im not like IL RULLLEEZZZZ GRACIA SUKKK... I like them both but i like every new update because it brings new skills , items , areas,bossses ,sets,weapons...(don't like to go back in chronicles i feel kind of bad coz i cant use new things) 1: Who the fuuck would just find a server to play with you 2: Pay attention in English class 3: Not my fault that you use D grade weapon and the tank has S grade jewels 4: Enlightment is 15 SEC and gives stats by %, while Ultimate Defense gives it by points 5: Tanks are slow, you are the one who stands there and gets hit all the time 6: Spellsingers are the weakness to melee fighters because of the slow skills, Blizzard, Frost Bolt, and Ice Vortex takes off a load of speed. Please learn to use them. 7: Go make your own server named L2 Jihad where everybody is a mage. I named the server L2 Jihad because you are from Afghanistan 8: Yet again you say you hate tanks, but you don't want to be in a server with unbalanced mages oO 1 again i say the one who is not just QQing posts 2 i will try harder thank you 3 do i need to comment that?????? it porves how lame you are (i dont even like to pvp with ppls who wear different sets or +++ items) 4 whats your point about that? 5 well we all know that whats your point???? 6 I wasnt the sps anyway... it was xxxloopxxx you offend him like that...and since you are so smart you should have known that cubic neutralize abnormal states and debuffs + lets add reflect if you fear me my cubic will cure but if it get reflected then you are doomed to die 7 i'm not from alfganistan...it was a random click in registration...and since i already said its not good thing to offend ppls on their country or religion ... it just show that you have no toleration for anything different ... i will make offence too america could be a country that have problems with the east ,but you should not use it as the only offence your little brain can think of . American peoples have one of the lowest knowledge levels in the world and most of them are fat this is not some random talking its statistic ....In same way you can say that black people in USA are monkeys 8 well for now i havent saw a server in which a mage with equal items and skills to tank can kill him (ofcourse exeption are uber noobs ) from low rate 10x to high rate. + i dont want to play in some server where mage is only pvp class like they were doing with dagger or archer on IL maybe you like servers where you can pwn with 2 hits someone coz your class is OP but its not like that with everyone
  13. well looks like there is no one else who want to prove what he says... atleast i'm not empty words like most of you
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