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Everything posted by Rack

  1. Hello guys i wanted to remind you that NPC Buffers are available now! So many of you didn't wanna join us because of that. So go there and give a TRY! Its worthy! Good luck peeps! See ya in game.
  2. Thanks MIMIS400, well its not the same server that you guys used to know. Its a new one and you should give a try. Thanks
  3. Bump, fixed it. Join us! We're growing, much fun awaits you! Good luck.
  4. L2eXtreme - Interlude LIVE - ( 01 / 10 / 2010 ) TIME - 21:00 GMT +2 ===== Story ===== Hello there, MaxCheaters community. I'd like to invite you to L2eXtreme because we're going Live in a really short time. But before i'll start posting the features and everything about L2eXtreme i'd like to tell you guys a story. The story started with a child, the story doesn't tell his name. This child had a family and he enjoyed playing in the woods most of the time, he also enjoyed to lie all the time his parents screaming "Mum mum, daddy daddy the wolf is here help me help me!" then his parents alerted and came to help him, Hahahah gotcha! Nothing happen the boy was just lying his parents... that happened again and again.. and he was lying and making fun of them all the time. But one day the wolf came and the boy started to scream "MUM MUM, DADDY DADDY THE WOLF IS HERE HELP ME HELP ME!" and his parents said.. he's just trying to fool us again.. leave him he's just joking. (Sadly it wasn't a joke it was the reality). Good news this was just a story, a lesson i want to give you today regarding to Lineage 2 eXtreme. If you compare this story i told you with the L2eXtreme story you'll see its the same. Many L2X servers tried to open a server just to make fun of the players and they lost their trust in L2eXtreme. I'm here to prove again that our server is not a joke and its a real deal that should "Rewind our History" once again! Hope you understood my point there. ===== The End ===== Machine # Germany # Intel Xeon L5630, 4-Core # 12.000MB RAM, DDRIII ECC Reg. Ram # L2Server - SSD Harddisk / Database - SAS 15k RPM # 1.000 MBit Connection Client # Interlude Rates # Exp [35x] # Sp [35x] # Adena [70x] # Drop [5x] # Spoil [5x] Enchant Rates # Weapon Fighter [66%] # Weapon Mage [50%] # Armor [50%] Custom Addons # Offline Shop # 1 Box/PC [L2X] # Botting Protection [L2X] # Currency [Adena / AA / Runes] # Titanium Armor [L2X] # Dusk/Dawn Weapons [L2X] # Mithril Zone [starting Zone] # Giran Zone [Private Store Zone] # Heine/Hardin's [shopping Zone] # Dragon Valley Caves [Exp Zone] # Elven Fortress [solo Zone] # Elven Ruins [Medium Zone] # Giants Cave [Hard Zone] # Hunters Village [PVP Zone] # Jail System [L2X] # GM Shops [D-S Grade] # Farmable Hero System [L2X] # Hero Skills [L2X] # Hero Pet [L2X] # 10 New Pets [L2X] # S Grade Expertise [67] # 1st, 2nd Buffs [20 Min] # 3rd Buffs [5 Min] # Pet Buffs [2 Min] # NPC BUFFER ADDED! WEBSITE = http://www.l2extreme.us FORUM = http://board.l2extreme.us
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