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Everything posted by l2allstars

  1. hhow do u know his exactly curses and casting speed? there is no corruption and it will never be , this is not a corrupted sv one and the most important argument ( for people that didnt joined yet ) -,because no one ffrom our team is very active atm,we are busy with gettin the server listed at hopzone , and when we will be, will make events , support as much players we can etc, no give items ;)
  2. 1.boring is u 2. 20 ppl online because we are pending to be accepted at hopzone,and other tops. ps:52 ppl online when i loggd today ;)
  3. classic greek quote made my day xD
  4. superhaste lvl 4? ;d i never use fail word lik a lil kid, but yes u failed with that donation,u better remove that gm skill from ur donations ;d,in fact remove all the skills, it will make unbalance,and dont give donaters over max + ;), take it as a sugestion
  5. NO, donations are like max,normal players can have what donators have :),btw donations wont be open soon !
  6. hey,im not an hypocrite,we have secured it, i tried log in bot,it didnt work,so i dont know what to say, i wont say it`s 100%,if some1 can pull it up to log in bot, then i will look like an hypocrite..so yes it`s kinda 80%
  7. i am a l2 ex player, developer, i`ve seen many websites/server, but dreams just pwns them all, i could without envy say that x50 luna is one of the best low rate servers out there.. +1 for server developers
  8. thank u very much for the positive reviews,i am happy u like it,i heard about hard farming,i make it a bit easier, ty,soon as we are accepted in tops, we will start grow,currently online 43,we are 1 day open,join now to get powerfful ingame :) /// edited with more info :) check 1st post
  9. Server url : http://l2allstars.com Server information: Server Rate AllStars Rate : XP: x3000 Sp: x3000 Adena: x2000 Drop: x40 Spoil: x10 Safe Enchant: 6 Max Enchant: 20 Bleesed Scroll : 85% Normal Scroll : 75% Automated TVT event each hour Custom SpawnZone (for new chars) RaidBoss spawn - 1 day MiniRaidBoss Zone aka PARTY ZONE - spawn time - 15 minutes CTF event - soon to be implemented Server details : 14gb ddr3, proffesional hosted, GB internet band ( internal/extern ) , Our current server it`s able to hold 1,000 slots without lag Bot farming 80% protected Server has most skills fixed,and ready to go,not many playes online 20-40 , as we have one day online,it will be soon listed in big tops,and players will come, come now and get powerfull from the beggining ! PS: i know there is another topic made with server, but it`s made by a player,this is the official thread.
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